An Alumnus - Robin Speziale - Interviews Canada's Top Investors

Friday, February 19, 2016

Market Masters book cover
Written by Robin Speziale (BA '10)

I have such wonderful memories from the University of Waterloo especially first year - new surroundings, experiences, and friends. It was in my dorm room at Ron Eydt Village (REV) that I read around 50 books on investing and opened my first brokerage account to start investing in stocks. My passion for investing has only grown stronger since graduating from the University in 2010. In the summer between graduation and my first job at Deloitte, I self-published the book, Lessons From The Successful Investor. This book went on to sell over 3,500 copies. Now, five years later, my new book Market Masters will be published and released by ECW Press. It will be in stores across Canada and available for you to buy in February, 2016.

The Market Masters project was an enlightening journey: I interviewed 28 of Canada's top investors and learned from their investment philosophies, strategies, and processes, as well as their successes, challenges, and outlooks in the market. My mission through Market Masters is that the reader can take some or all of the Market Masters’ proven investing strategies and apply them in the market to make their winnings more plentiful, predictable, and profitable. Market Masters is like a cookbook for investing strategies including value, growth, fundamental, top-down, and technical investing styles. 

Also, what I hope readers will take from my new book is that the Canadian market can play a crucial role in their investment success. Here are the facts: Canadian stocks have exceeded the returns of international stocks, bonds, and T-Bills from 1934 – 2014. And we’re not very far behind the U.S. market’s compound annual return of 11.1% versus Canada’s 9.8% over that same 80-year period. An investment in Canadian stocks has grown 1,597 fold despite 13 recessions, double digit interest rates, and several world crises. 

About Robin Speziale:

Robin Speziale
Investing in the markets can be incredibly fun. From research to analysis to purchase — I love picking stocks. I’ve been saving, investing, and building my portfolio since the age of 18. Now, at 28, I’ve amassed a relatively sizeable stock portfolio of $225,000.00. There may be readers who scoff at that number — “my portfolio is much bigger” — but my disclosure is intended to be inspirational to those budding investors. You can start with little funds and at a young age. Let me be clear: one does not have to have an IQ of 170 to be successful in the markets. Making money in the markets is simply a calculated game. The objective, if you want to excel at the game: beat the market. 

Robin will be giving away 5 paperback copies of Market Masters.

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You can also buy Market Masters now ($22.95):

Twitter: @robinspeziale