I thought I’d end this blog with an update about myself.
In the past few months I’ve interviewed and sought advice from Waterloo Career Advisors, Jayne and Tanya. It’s been great to have gained insight into myself to help me on my way. With their help I’ve completed and analyzed personality and skills assessments, and also learned useful tips for future job searches.
However, as much as we plan, be it for life or a career, some opportunities you can’t plan for. Through the networks I’ve created here at Waterloo, I’ve been given an unexpected, but welcomed job opportunity with the School of Accounting and Finance.
As my internship at Alumni Affairs is coming to an end, I’ll be moving forward in my career journey having a better sense of who I am and what I want in a job. I’m looking forward to the new experiences ahead of me and continuing my pursuit of career happiness.
Thanks for reading!
Sirisopha Khankhet