Unique, hands-on learning
Written by Meghan Hennessey, Honours BA Speech Communication ('08), MBET ('10).
At Clearpath Robotics, we’re not just known for creating the world’s best unmanned vehicles for research and development, we’re also known for creating unique learning opportunities for our employees, both in the office and beyond. It should come as no surprise, then, that we’re huge supporters of co-op education.
Our founders, Mechatronics Engineering grads Matthew Rendall, Ryan Gariepy, Patrick Martinson, and Bryan Webb, were once co-op students themselves. As such, they recognize the benefits of integrating co-op education into corporate objectives.
The learning goes both ways
Clearpath is experiencing rapid growth thanks to the bright, creative minds that make up our company, including our co-op students, who bring with them enthusiasm, innovation and leading edge skills. We truly learn from them as much as they learn from us.
We trust our co-op students to get the job done, giving them complete responsibility and accountability for their projects, which I must say, are usually VERY cool!
Finding the right co-op student
During the co-op hiring process, we consider more than just related skills when selecting the right person for the job. We also look to determine if a candidate is the right fit for our corporate culture.
You won’t find any cubicles or offices at Clearpath. Our co-founders and managers sit together with other employees at open-concept desks. We work hard, but we also schedule in some fun every now and then, including monthly pub nights and the occasional pumpkin-carving contest.
Most co-op positions are given to upper-year students due to the skills and knowledge required for our business. It takes time to wrap your head around autonomous robotic vehicles and open source software! That said, we do accept applications from students of all years. You never know who’ll be the right fit for the job.
Hiring co-op alumni
At Clearpath, co-op students gain solid, practical experience that prepares them for the working world. Their strong skills and work ethic guarantee we don’t forget about the student come graduation. In fact, many end up working with us full time.
By the way, we’re always looking for enthusiastic people with a passion for robotics. Click here to view our current openings.