Fantastic Alumni Day 2018: A Day to Remember

Friday, February 9, 2018

Written by Amy U (Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication, In Progress)

Fantastic Alumni Day— where do I even begin?

FAD Swag Table
First and foremost, I want to say that I am so thankful that I got to be a part of this incredible event. Staff from different offices and faculties joined forces to help make this day a huge success. Being in a room with such incredible people got me all fired up!

The basketball games really kept everyone on the edge of their seats. Both the men’s and women’s teams did a fantastic job— a stellar performance executed by a stellar roster. I would like to applaud the players for their spectacular sportsmanship. 

Seeing alumni and their adorable children made my heart smile with intense joy. One alumnus came with her husband and her child. The mother smiled, looked into her daughter’s eyes and said, “This is where your daddy and I first met.” The University of Waterloo has always been the birthplace of long-lasting meetings, friendships, and relationships, and Fantastic Alumni Day helps us remember and appreciate these amazing encounters every year. 

Once you graduate, you become a Waterloo alumnus. Fantastic Alumni Day recognizes that milestone— it commemorates and celebrates your remarkable journey at the University of Waterloo.

Fantastic Alumni Day

To sum up my experience, here is a poem in honour of this year’s Fantastic Alumni Day:

Dressed in black and gold

Welcoming Alumni and friends

Young and old

A table full of free swag— we got pens,

stickers and bandanas,

goodies that got everyone going bananas

Captured through the camera lens

were passion and affection,

hoops and goals,

and paper airplanes that were flying in every direction

the excitement was completely out of control

Not to mention

the wonderful prizes

A 55 inch TV that clearly got all the attention,

a chance to win a one night stay-cation, and enterprise’s

$500 gift card

The pride that you hang on your Waterloo lanyard,

is shared amongst us

Thank you for putting your trust

in this amazing campus

This alumni connection

is what we call perfection

I am proud to call myself a Waterloo Warrior

See you next year

Please bring your family and friends,

the more the merrier.

2019 Fantastic Alumni Day

is heading your way!

Amy U is a 3rd year English student majoring in Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication. She is currently spending her 2nd Co-op term as the Alumni Outreach Assistant for the Office of Advancement.