I must admit that my attempts to be humorous have stalled my progress in writing this blog post. As much as I enjoy witty banter as the next person, it just didn’t seem to fit with the topic of convocation. To be honest, the ceremonial regalia, the academic history, the successes of graduates destined to change the world, and the overall pomp and circumstance of the day all don’t fit with the usual repartee I aim for in my posts. But I digress…
Convocation is a very personal experience for all those involved – the graduates, their supportive families, friends who are proud of their accomplishments, and of course, Waterloo’s faculty and staff members (it’s the whole reason we come to work after all). It takes on a different meaning and significance for everyone. Some see it as the end of a chapter; others see it as the most exciting time in their life. Whatever the perspective, there are moments from the day that will be remembered for a lifetime and I’d like to share a few that stand out for me.

On the marriage theme, the CONVO-sation successfully followed up its debut appearance with more than 650 tweets, including a marriage proposal. And of course, #shesaidyes!

Congratulations to all of Waterloo’s newest alumni. I hope there are memories from your special day that you will treasure forever.
Emily Huxley