Reunion 2012 Wrap up

Friday, October 5, 2012

Reunion 2012 happened on Saturday, September 29 and what a success! This year we welcomed over 7000 alumni, staff, faculty, students, and community members on campus for a wide variety of events. I’ll go into more detail but would like to start with some background first.reunion

Reunion planning begins in January, however I did not start as Alumni Officer, Reunion and Events until July 3. Thankfully some of the planning had already started before my arrival, but I still had to play a bit of catch up. For the last three months my work has revolved around Reunion, which isn’t really a bad thing if you love planning events like I do. It was three crazy months but everything came together in the end for an extremely successful event.

Now some of you may be asking what is Reunion? Is that the same as Homecoming? What if I don’t have a class reunion, can I still attend Reunion? Here are some answers for you. In 2011, the ever popular Homecoming event was renamed Reunion to better reflect what happens on campus. Most faculties plan reunions for specific graduating classes, while volunteer committees often organize events to reconnect with groups that they were a part of during their time at Waterloo.

ron donsThis year the dons who worked under Dr. Ron Eydt during his time as Residence Warden planned an 80th birthday celebration at the University Club, and over 200 alumni came out for the event!

warrior tentBut even if you aren’t part of a group organizing an event, there are always events open to alumni and some even to students, staff, faculty and community members. At Warrior Field (yes Waterloo finally has its own turf field), there was an Alumni VIP tent sponsored by Waterloo’s affinity partner TD Insurance Meloche Monnex. There were 1750 spectators at the game, mostly Warriors fans decked out in black and gold, including over 250 alumni watching from the grandstand and sidelines inside the licensed VIP tent.

The annual traditional Pow Wow and East Asian Festival are both open to the public and combined saw over 700 attendees. This year we had a new building open on campus, the Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum-Nano Centre, so we took advantage by hosting an open house which brought over 3000 guests to campus. Lastly I must make special mention of the longest running event on campus which this year celebrated its 27th anniversary, the Applied Health Sciences Fun Run.funrunI must admit this is my first blog and I don’t really know the appropriate length for these things so I will try to wrap this up but hopefully you are still reading. Overall, I know I had a great time planning my first Reunion and hope everyone enjoyed being there. It was so much fun for me to see all of the alumni come back to campus and be so excited to be here. Groups of friends reconnected after years and years of not seeing each other while other groups, who are just as close now as they were back in their university days, came back for a day of reminiscing.

I really am lucky to have this job and be able to plan events for people who are so excited to attend. Thank you so much to the alumni who attended Reunion 2012, you really made my weekend. I look forward to seeing you all at future uWaterloo alumni events and next year’s Reunion! Also one last thank you to all the fabulous volunteers, the Reunion committee and everyone who made Reunion possible.

All the best,

Jenn Bentley

To see all of the photos from Reunion please visit our Flickr page