Written by Pounce de Lion.
Phew, what an exhausting weekend we had on campus last week! I almost thought about going into hibernation like a bear just to recover from it all. That being said, I couldn’t have had a better time and I love when the pride returns to campus and we can all relive our time together again. In fact, I keep reliving the weekend with the Storify that was recreated.

In case we haven’t met before, my name is Pounce, and I am the alumni office lion, not to be confused with my brothers King Warrior or Jerome from St. Jerome’s. I am the older, wiser and generally just the favourite of the group and we have all lived at Waterloo for years. (And my bald spots in my mane are just a sign of my vintage). This is a photo of me on the right with some alumni, again, another example of me as the favourite.
For those of you who didn’t come back, here is a quick recap of what you missed.
- Nearly 300 people in our alumni VIP tent, which included a lion’s share of food, beer samplings and Waterloo swag.
- Grads celebrating their 50th anniversary with engineering and an amazing iron ring ceremony.
- Families and friends in AHS taking part in the longest standing tradition of Reunion, the AHS Fun Run.
- All of the colleges had exciting events including St. Jerome’s family carnival, Renison’s East Asian Festival, a traditional Pow Wow at St. Paul's, and the Taste of Conrad Grebel.
I was lucky enough to attend all of these events and it was by far the best time I have had since the premiere of Lion King II, as shown in my newly released video.
I will clearly be the next Youtube sensation.
I asked to write this blog post because I wanted to personally thank EVERY alumnus that returned to campus this past weekend to celebrate their time at Waterloo. Whether you were returning for your 50th reunion in Engineering, or have only been away for a year, THANK YOU. We loved having you all back on campus to revisit, and you helped make this our most successful Reunion EVER. (Take all the times I am using caps as a lion’s roar of excitement).
Thank you again to everyone that came back to celebrate our collective Waterloo pride, we hope you will join us again next year and bring back some more friends to add to the pride. I promise it will be one of the best times you have at Waterloo and I look forward to us all reuniting.
To see more photos of me, and I guess some reunion ones too, check out our Flickr.