Hello Young Alumni!
My name is Amanda, and I am a recent graduate of Recreation and Business with a Masters of Theological Studies. That’s about seven years of my life spent at uWaterloo. Even if you were only at Waterloo for four or five years, I’m sure during those years, you were shaped and grew in more ways than just getting an education. Education is so important, but I tend to think of the formative years at university as the years I really became an adult. The friends and peers I met at school, the professors who challenged my thinking, the mentors who guided me in my career choices, the jobs I had, all helped shape me into the adult I am today.
I had so many new and exciting experiences when I started university that I wouldn’t trade for anything!
Maybe you can recall similar experiences:
- My first time trying the glory that is Campus Pizza (and the fact that it was open until 5am).
- Discovering there was a building on campus that people called “The Dinosaur Building.”
- Living in residence, where people were so comfortable with each other, friends could enter my room when I wasn’t even there to play my Nintendo 64.
- Feeling classy because I started eating way more international food.
- Having it be totally normal to see a Jedi walking around campus.
- Making friends I know I will have for life.
I love where life has led me, and these experiences were such an integral part of my life for so many years. Sometimes, even for just a few hours, it’s great to go back to The Bomber and order some calamari (that was always my favourite appetizer there), tour campus, and remember how far you’ve come from being the doughy-eyed frosh you once were.
The annual Waterloo Reunion is coming up. This is your chance to re-live your favourite memories, reflect on how you’ve changed, and see how Waterloo has changed too. Like the Quantum Nano Centre building that most likely forced you to alter your route to class. So use this opportunity to have a mini-reunion for yourself, grab your friends, grab your Waterloo sweatshirt, tour your favourite places on campus, and have dinner at some greasy fast food place in the plaza. Or the Math C&D. Or whatever floats your boat, it’s your reunion!