My UWaterloo Journey
As a small town kid from Southwestern Ontario with parents having no high school diploma I was very enthused to be accepted to the well-respected University of Waterloo Engineering Program in 2000.
As a small town kid from Southwestern Ontario with parents having no high school diploma I was very enthused to be accepted to the well-respected University of Waterloo Engineering Program in 2000.
The Arts department was an experimental and exciting place in the early 1970's. Experiential Human Relations courses, my psychology courses, and the student run volunteer counseling program in the campus centre, The Rap Room, set me on course to a highly satisfying and successful career in clinical Social Work.
As an undergraduate co-op student, working at the University of Waterloo has given me the opportunity to meet students, staff, and faculty.
Consider this – that the power of Rock n’ Roll over human musical history has been one big scientific experiment?
After graduating this June, everyone keeps telling me “welcome to the real world.” And I’ve been trying to figure out what this so called “real world” is. How is it different? What does it mean? Am I ready for it?
Rose Athena is an e-boutique that allows women to put together their own personalized dresses and to purchase them online.
I still remember the wave of panic that washed over me three weeks before the end of my final term at Waterloo.
The story of Matboard and More, like any good story, begins with love. As unlikely as that sounds, the winding path to success for the fastest growing e-commerce business in the custom matting and framing industry originates with that most basic emotion.
Last week marked the University of Waterloo’s 108th convocation. Hundreds of graduates crossed the stage to receive their degree, beginning a new chapter in their lives as alumni of the University of Waterloo.
Hello again! I am Wayne Chang bringing you part 3 of the BET 300 – Foundations of Venture Creation at the Conrad Business Entrepreneurship and Technology Centre speaker blog series.