What I learned from Alumni Relations
I am a fourth year Therapeutic Recreation student and I am currently on my last co-op term working for Alumni Relations.
I am a fourth year Therapeutic Recreation student and I am currently on my last co-op term working for Alumni Relations.
The Games Institute officially came into being in June 2011.
In 2010, when I decided to move from Iran to Canada my goal was to graduate with a professional degree from one of the best Canadian universities, and that is why I chose Waterloo!
On my first co-op work term, I had the great opportunity to work for Alumni Relations on international projects and events for our worldwide chapters. It was an eye opening experience that really pushed me towards further international work.
Written by Devon Fillion, 1st Year Faculty of Science Student
With the passing of October’s 109th convocation ceremonies, the University of Waterloo was pleased to welcome its newest members to the alumni club.
Sebastian Fung (BAFM ’12) graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Accounting and Financial Management in the fall of 2012.
After graduating from the University of Waterloo with a major in Honours Science in 2013, I decided to do something that really frightened me.
As a 3rd year Legal Studies and Business student when I began my co-op term in Alumni Relations, I was often asked “Why Alumni Relations?”
Stephen Lake, Matthew Bailey, and Aaron Grant are the co-founders of one of Canada’s hottest start-ups, Thalmic Labs. Their product, the Myo gesture control armband, uses electromyography (EMG) and motion sensors to transform your arm into a remote control.