International Strategic Initiatives

Bridge in eastern european city

The International Strategic Initiatives (ISI) unit works to support the Co-operative and Experiential Education (CEE) strategic plan to develop talent for a complex future. Our specific focus is on international visa students interested in co-op and WIL experiences and CEE’s international engagements. As the global headquarters of the World Association of Co-operative Education, the University of Waterloo is committed to advancing quality international co-op and work-integrated learning (WIL). 

ISI collaborates with each of the units in the department to advance CEE as a global leader in work-integrated learning.  

  • Work-Learn Institute (WxL) - The only research unit of its kind for work-integrated learning in the world, WxL is an incubator for WIL innovation. ISI supports WxL researchers by bringing an international lens to their research. 
  • Centre for Career Action (CCA) - CCA supports students with career planning, career management strategies and on-the-job success via our award-winning Career Hub. ISI provides insight on how to effectively support international visa students with these services, as well as how to make international opportunities more accessible to students looking for work experiences abroad. 

  • The Centre for WIL – The Centre for WIL (Work-Integrated Learning offers professional development courses and experiential education (EDGE) to help students enhance their professional skills and improve employability. ISI provides an international lens to program development for both international students in Canada and all student with co-op and WIL opportunities abroad. 

  • Co-operative Education – Waterloo is home to the world's largest pool of emerging talent and our Co-operative Education team supports 25,000+ students each year with securing co-op opportunities through our network of 7,100+ employers operating in more than 60 countries. Each year, ISI facilitates more than 1000 work terms abroad—outside of Canada and the USA. Supports include developing opportunities with international employers, sourcing additional funding for international experiences and helping students leverage those experiences. ISI manages the risk management for more than 3200 international work terms annually. The international co-op team also supports international visa students with their Canadian co-op work permit processes.  

We welcome international delegations to visit the University of Waterloo and learn more about Co-operative and Experiential Education. Please fill out our Visitor Delegation Request Form to provide more details and ensure we can provide the best experience for your upcoming visit.  

For further information about how your international organization, delegation or government can work with CEE at the University of Waterloo, please contact Shabnam (Shay) Ivković, Director – International Strategic Initiatives.