"Game-based Learning & Situational Awareness Support in Outbreak Management, and Personalized Visualizations & Persuasive Coaching for Healthy Lifestyle Support"
“Game-based Learning & Situational Awareness Support in Outbreak Management (a)” and “Personalized Visualizations & Persuasive Coaching for Healthy Lifestyle Support”(b)
Assistant Professor in Persuasive Health Technology,
Centre for eHealth & Wellbeing Research,
University of Twente, The Netherlands
The first part of the talk (a) is focused on presenting the outcomes of the ongoing project on the user-centred holistic design and evaluation of eZoon Game-based learning and situational awareness support to enhance shared decision making in crisis management, in particular zoonotic infection outbreak management case. First working prototype of an interactive web-based eZoon game-based learning environment is co-developed with stakeholders in an agile iterative way, based on the game-based learning and dilemma game models for decision making support, risk communication competences and situational awareness theory. eZoon serious game allows the healthcare professional to consult various colleagues and other relevant stakeholders while solving various outbreak challenges. Game interface provides personalized post-game feedback on: a) outbreak management competences, namely outbreak course, collaboration and time management; b) societal impact: the impact of the individual decision making strategy on society and outbreak spread; (c) empathy: feedback on what effect an player’s individual decision has on outbreak and how does it make other stakeholders feel. First user evaluation results from two focus groups indicate that healthcare professionals find the eZoon game useful for training decision making and outbreak management skills. Future research aims at iterative user-centred re-design and evaluation of the user interface and development of the persuasive and personalized ‘in-game’ feedback model to enhance shared situational awareness of the player on the competences and decision making style.
The second part (b) of the talk is aimed at highlighting the latest developments in the research line on personalized visualization of multi-sensor data an persuasive coaching to enhance healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle is essential for enhancing wellbeing, physical and mental health and contributes to prevention of chronic conditions. Smart sensors and wearable technologies allow continuous monitoring of our daily activities, which leads to the generation of the vast amounts of health monitoring data, which are not optimally used. Self-care application, such as mHealth apps for various lifestyle activity and weight monitoring often lack personalized visualizations meaningful to (a) individual users or (b) across group of users. Existing virtual coaching applications are often based on just one aspect of lifestyle activity monitoring and are rarely based on the behaviour change models, which lead to the lack of insights into effects on behaviour change. Choosing the right coaching strategy is a challenging task for designers and researchers working on health applications for lifestyle support. Existing solutions for healthy lifestyle promotion in health psychology field are based on classical behaviour models that lack the translation to practical design guidelines. Fields of health psychology, persuasive design and computer science offer rich models that tackle behaviour, design, smart data analysis or application development aspects of coaching. We present the outcomes of several case studies, such as health ageing and emotional eating, aiming at translating multi-sensor data and self-monitoring data into persuasive coaching strategies, including real-time feedback tailored to individual user preferences.
Olga Kulyk is an Assistant Professor in Persuasive Health Technology, Centre for eHealth & Wellbeing Research, University of Twente, The Netherlands. Dr. Kulyk is an expert in persuasive technology, user centred design, personalized visualizations and situational awareness for decision making support. Her specific research focus is on (a) game-based learning and situational awareness support for decision making in outbreak management and (b) personalized visualization of multi-sensor data an persuasive coaching to enhance healthy lifestyle and wellbeing of elderly, young adults and chronic patients (obesity, COPD, diabetes).
If you are interested in meeting with Dr. Kulyk, please email CBB.
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