Corporate and institutional partners:


Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization (OBIO)
Waterloo Region Economic Development Corporation
Grand River Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital
Schools and Universities:
Sorbonne Universités, France
University of Bristol, United Kingdom
University of Oulu, Finland
University of Twente, The Netherlands
On-campus affiliated centres and institutes:
Centre for Ocular Research & Education (CORE)
Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience
Institute of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Institute for Computer Research (ICR)
Propel Centre for Population Health Impact
Schlegel - UW Research Institue for Aging (RIA)
Waterloo Centre for Automotive Research (WatCar)
Waterloo Centre for Microbial Research (WCMR)
Waterloo Commercialization Office (WatCo)
Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN)
Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE)
On-campus student clubs and societies:
Engineers in Medicine (EiM)