Filter by:
Eihab Abdel-Rahman
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Chair
Stacey Acker
Kinesiology, Associate Professor
519-888-4567 x31338
BMH 1038
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Stacey Acker
Link to personal webpage:
Stacey Acker
Adil Al-Mayah
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Associate Professor, Associate Chair
519-888-4567 x31566
E2 2311
Link to profile:
Adil Al-Mayah
Link to personal webpage:
Adil Al-Mayah
Arash Arami
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Assistant Professor
519-888-4567 x47648
E7 3426
Link to profile:
Arash Arami
Link to personal webpage:
Arash Arami
Jose F. Arocha
School of Public Health Sciences, Associate Professor Emeritus
519-888-4567 x32729
LHN 3707
Link to profile:
Jose F. Arocha
Link to personal webpage:
Jose F. Arocha
Marc Aucoin
Chemical Engineering, Professor, Associate Chair, Operations
519-888-4567 x36084, 519-888-4567 x38835, 519-888-4567 x32295
E6 4012, e6 4113, e6 603
Link to profile:
Marc Aucoin
Hassan Baaj
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Professor, Associate Chair for Research
Chris Backhouse
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor
519-888-4567 x31467
QNC 3622
Link to profile:
Chris Backhouse
Link to personal webpage:
Chris Backhouse
Gladimir Baranoski
Computer Science, Professor
519-888-4567 x35412
DC 3520
Link to profile:
Gladimir Baranoski
Link to personal webpage:
Gladimir Baranoski
Michael Barnett-Cowan
Kinesiology, Associate Professor, Associate Chair of Graduate Studies
Jonathan Baugh
Chemistry, Professor, Quantum Information Graduate Program Director
519-888-4567 x37491
RAC 2112
Link to profile:
Jonathan Baugh
Link to personal webpage:
Jonathan Baugh
Mike Beazely
School of Pharmacy, Associate Professor
Philip Beesley
Architecture, Professor, Director, Living Architecture Systems Group, Director, Riverside Architectural Press
519-888-4567 x27640
ARC 3019
Link to profile:
Philip Beesley
Link to personal webpage:
Philip Beesley
Kostadinka Bizheva
Physics and Astronomy, Professor, Graduate Officer
Jennifer Boger
Systems Design Engineering, Adjunct Assistant Professor
519-888-4567 x38328
EC4 2033
Link to profile:
Jennifer Boger
Link to personal webpage:
Jennifer Boger
Hector Budman
Chemical Engineering, Professor
519-888-4567 x36980
E6 3012
Link to profile:
Hector Budman
Link to personal webpage:
Hector Budman
Catherine Burns
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Vice President, Health Initiatives, Canada Research Chair in Human Factors in Healthcare Systems
519-888-4567 x33903, 519-888-4567 x30534
EC4 2121, EC5 3057
Link to profile:
Catherine Burns
Link to personal webpage:
Catherine Burns
Zahid Butt
School of Public Health Sciences, Assistant Professor
Jack Callaghan
Kinesiology, Professor
519-888-4567 x47080
BMH 3122
Link to profile:
Jack Callaghan
Link to personal webpage:
Jack Callaghan
Melanie Campbell
Physics and Astronomy, Professor
519-888-4567 x36273
PHY 353
Link to profile:
Melanie Campbell
Link to personal webpage:
Melanie Campbell
Jordan Cannon
Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Assistant Professor
519-888-4567 x43216
BMH 1046
Link to profile:
Jordan Cannon
Link to personal webpage:
Google Scholar
Shi Cao
Systems Design Engineering, Associate Professor
Naveen Chandrashekar
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Associate Professor
519-888-4567 x38048, 519-888-4567 x38850
E3 2115, E3 2144
Link to profile:
Naveen Chandrashekar
Trevor Charles
Biology, Professor, Director, WCMR
Helen Chen
School of Public Health Sciences, Professor
519-888-4567 x32131
TJB 2272
Link to profile:
Helen Chen
Link to personal webpage:
Helen Chen
Perry Chou
Chemical Engineering, Professor
519-888-4567, ext. 42131
E6 4004
Link to profile:
C. Perry Chou
Link to personal webpage:
Perry Chou
David Clausi
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Dean, Research & External Partnerships
519-888-4567 x32604, 519-888-4567 x42604
EC4 2039, E7 7426
Link to profile:
David A. Clausi
Link to personal webpage:
David Clausi
Karen Cochrane
Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business, Assistant Professor
Link to profile:
Karen Cochrane
Eric Croiset
Chemical Engineering, Professor
Duane Cronin
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor, Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Trauma Biomechanics and Injury Prevention (tBIP), Director, Impact Mechanics and Material Characterization Laboratory
Mohamed Oussama Damen
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor
519-888-4567 x37261
EIT 3109
Link to profile:
Mohamed Oussama Damen
Link to personal webpage:
Mohamed Oussama Damen
James Danckert
Psychology, Professor
Annemarie Dedek
School of Pharmacy, Assistant Professor
Link to profile:
Annemarie Dedek
Clark Dickerson
Kinesiology, Professor
519-888-4567 x37844
AHS 2684
Link to profile:
Clark Dickerson
Link to personal webpage:
Clark Dickerson
Brian Dixon
Biology, Professor
519-888-4567 x32665
B2 247A
Link to profile:
Brian Dixon
Link to personal webpage:
Brian Dixon
Warren Dodd
School of Public Health Sciences, Associate Professor
Paolo Dominelli
Kinesiology, Assistant Professor
Mathieu Doucet
Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department Chair
519-888-4567 x32824
HH 328
Link to profile:
Mathieu Doucet
Link to personal webpage:
Mathieu Doucet
Andrew Doxey
Biology, Associate Professor, University Research Chair, Biology Core Facility Director
519-888-4567 x32824
B1 166A
Link to profile:
Andrey Doxey
Link to personal webpage:
Andrew Doxey
Bernard Duncker
Biology, Professor, Associate Vice-President (Research and International)
Andrea Edginton
School of Pharmacy, Professor, Hallman Director, Associate Dean (Faculty of Science)
519-888-4567, ext.84408
PHR 6002
Link to profile:
Andrea Edginton
Link to personal webpage:
Andrea Edginton
David Edwards
School of Pharmacy, Professor
Safa Erenay
Management Sciences, Associate Professor, MSCI TA Officer
519-888-4567 x32521
CPH 4323
Link to profile:
Fatih Safa Erenay
Link to personal webpage:
Safa Erenay
Kaan Erkorkmaz
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor
519-888-4567 x35214
EC4 1013
Link to profile:
Kaan Erkorkmaz
Link to personal webpage:
Kaan Erkorkmaz
Shahrzad Esmaeili
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor
Link to profile:
Shahrzad Esmaeili
Link to personal webpage:
Shahrzad Esmaeili
Baris Fidan
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor
519-888-4567 x38023
E3 4119
Contact for:
Expertise in system/parameter identification, adaptive control and signal processing, mathematical modeling, sensor networks, localization, optimization, driver assistance systems.
Link to profile:
Baris Fidan
Link to personal webpage:
Baris Fidan
Paul Fieguth
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Vice President - Academic Operations
519-888-4567 x43599
E7 7428
Link to profile:
Paul Fieguth
Link to personal webpage:
Paul Fieguth
Steven Fischer
Kinesiology, Associate Professor; Associate Chair of Applied Research, Partnerships and Outreach
519-888-4567, ext. 42368
BMH 1046
Link to profile:
Steven Fischer
Link to personal webpage:
Steven Fischer
Marianna Foldvari
School of Pharmacy, Professor
519-888-4567 x21306
PHR 3003
Link to profile:
Marianna Foldvari
Link to personal webpage:
Marianna Foldvari
Nadine Furtado
Optometry and Vision Science, Associate Clinical Professor, Head of the Ocular Disease and Imaging Service
Aravindhan Ganesan
School of Pharmacy, Research Assistant Professor
Moojan Ghafurian
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Assistant Professor
Lora Giangregorio
Kinesiology, Professor
519-888-4567, ext. 46357
AHS 2679
Link to profile:
Lora Giangregorio
Link to personal webpage:
Lora Giangregorio
Maud Gorbet
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Biomedical Engineering Program Director
519-888-4567 x37009,519-888-4567 x37009,519-888-4567 x38590,519-888-4567 x42602
OPT 228, OPT 235, CPH 1335C, E7 6444
Link to profile:
Maud Gorbet
Kelly Grindrod
School of Pharmacy, Associate Professor
519-888-4567 x21358
PHR 4014
Link to profile:
Kelly Grindrod
Link to personal webpage:
Kelly Grindrod
Bae-Yeun Ha
Physics and Astronomy, Professor, Undergraduate Advisor - Life Physics
Peter Hall
School of Public Health Sciences
519-888-4567, ext. 48110
BMH 2731
Link to profile:
Peter Hall
Link to personal webpage:
Peter Hall
Sheereen Harris
Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Assistant Professor
Ehsan Hashemi
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x32205
E3 4118
Link to profile:
Ehsan Hashemi
Link to personal webpage:
Ehsan Hashemi
Emmanuel Ho
School of Pharmacy, Associate Professor
519-888-4567 x21372
PHR 4002
Link to profile:
Emmanuel Ho
Link to personal webpage:
Emmanuel Ho
Jesse Hoey
Computer Science, Professor
519-888-4567 x37744
DC 3613
Link to profile:
Jesse Hoey
Link to personal webpage:
Jesse Hoey
Todd Holyoak
Biology, Associate Professor
John Honek
Chemistry, Professor
519-888-4567 x35817
ESC 346
Link to profile:
John Honek
Link to personal webpage:
John Honek
Peter Huck
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Professor
519-888-4508, 519-888-4567 x33595
E5 3027, E5 3027
Link to profile:
Peter M. Huck
Link to personal webpage:
Peter Huck
Jan Huissoon
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Jennifer Hunter
Optometry and Vision Science
519-888-4567 x41965
OPT 335
Link to profile:
Jennifer Hunter
Link to personal webpage:
Jennifer Hunter
Okey Igboeli
Science and Business
Brian Ingalls
Applied Mathematics
519-888-4567 x35457
MC 6116
Link to profile:
Brian Ingalls
Link to personal webpage:
Brian Ingalls
Debbie Jones
Lyndon Jones
Optometry and Vision Science
Subha Kalyaanamoorthy
519-888-4567 x35804
ESC 234
Link to profile:
Subha Kalyaanamoorthy
Link to personal webpage:
Subha Kalyaanamoorthy
Vassili Karanassios
Karim Sallaudin Karim
Electrical and Computer Engineering
519-888-4567 x48336, 519-888-4567 x38336
E7 1326A, E3 3143
Link to profile:
Karim Karim
Link to personal webpage:
Karim Sallaudin Karim
Barb Katzenback
519-888-4567, ext. 30192
B2 356C
Link to profile:
Barb Katzenback
Link to personal webpage:
Barb Katzenback
Heather Keller
519-888-4567, ext. 41761
AHS 2682
Link to profile:
Heather Keller
Link to personal webpage:
Heather Keller
Krista Kelly
Behrad Khamesee
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x35095
E3 3148
Link to profile:
Behrad Khamesee
Link to personal webpage:
Behrad Khamesee
Nikolas Knowles
Jonathan Kofman
Systems Design Engineering
519-888-4567 x45185
E7 6318
Link to profile:
Jonathan Kofman
Link to personal webpage:
Jonathan Kofman
Mohammad Kohandel
Applied Mathematics
519-888-4567 x35458
MC 6112
Link to profile:
Mohammad Kohandel
Link to personal webpage:
Mohammad Kohandel
Elise Laende
Systems Design Engineering, Assistant Professor
Andrew Laing
519-888-4567, ext. 48947
BMH 3031
Link to profile:
Andrew Laing
Link to personal webpage:
Andrew Laing
Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan
Optometry and Vision Science
Anita Layton
Applied Mathematics
(519) 888-4567 ext. 36467
MC 6516
Link to profile:
Anita Layton
Link to personal webpage:
Anita Layton
Hyung-Sool Lee
Civil and Environmental Engineering
519-888-4567 x31095
E2 2309
Link to profile:
Hyung-Sool Lee
Link to personal webpage:
Hyung-Sool Lee
Zoya Leonenko
Physics and Astronomy
519 888-4567 ext. 38273
PHY 354
Link to profile:
Zoya Leonenko
Link to personal webpage:
Zoya Leonenko
Kam Tong Leung
519-888-4567, ext. 35826
C2 061A
Link to profile:
Kam Tong Leung
Link to personal webpage:
Kam Tong Leung
Peter Levine
Electrical and Computer Engineering
519-888-4567 x31414
E5 4012
Link to profile:
Peter M. Levine
Link to personal webpage:
Peter Levine
Dongqing Li
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Juewen Liu
519-888-4567 x38919
QNC 5604
Link to profile:
Juewen Liu
Link to personal webpage:
Juewen Liu
Yilan Liu
Kesen Ma
Ewen MacDonald
Systems Design Engineering
Chandra Madhuranthakam
Chemical Engineering, Adjunct Adjunct Associate Professor
Link to profile:
Chandra Madhuranthakam
Nima Maftoon
Systems Design Engineering
Veronika Magdanz
Systems Design Engineering
519-888-4567 x41532
E7 6432
Link to profile:
Veronika Magdanz
Link to personal webpage:
Veronika Magdanz
Vivek Maheshwari
519-888-4567 x38885
QNC 5619
Link to profile:
Vivek Maheshwari
Link to personal webpage:
Vivek Maheshwari
Monica R Maly
(519) 888-4567, ext. 47916
BMH 1036
Link to profile:
Monica Maly
Link to personal webpage:
Monica R Maly
Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens
Dale Martin
519-888-4567 x36958
B1 291C
Link to profile:
Dale Martin
Link to personal webpage:
Dale Martin
Brendan McConkey
Bill McIlroy
519-888-4567, ext. 48109
BMH 3032
Link to profile:
Bill McIlroy
Link to personal webpage:
Bill McIlroy
Stewart McLachlin
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x44784
E7 3424
Link to profile:
Stewart McLachlin
Link to personal webpage:
Stewart McLachlin
John McPhee
Systems Design Engineering
519-888-4567 x35341
E3 4114
Link to profile:
John McPhee
Link to personal webpage:
John McPhee
Sean Meehan
519-888-4567 x49278
BMH 1113
Link to profile:
Sean Meehan
Link to personal webpage:
Sean Meehan
Elizabeth Meiering
519-888-4567, ext. 32254
ESC 22
Link to profile:
Elizabeth Meiering
Link to personal webpage:
Elizabeth Meiering
Tizazu Mekonnen
Chemical Engineering
519-888-4567 x38914
E6 5010
Link to profile:
Tizazu Mekonnen
Link to personal webpage:
Tizazu Mekonnen
Laura Middleton
519-888-4567 x45045
BMH 3033
Link to profile:
Laura Middleton
Link to personal webpage:
Laura Middleton
John Mielke
School of Public Health Sciences
Katja Mombaur
Systems Design Engineering
Christine Moresoli
Chemical Engineering
519-888-4567 x35254,519-888-4567 x47641
E6 4010, E2 1776F
Link to profile:
Christine Moresoli
Link to personal webpage:
Christine Moresoli
Plinio Morita
School of Public Health Sciences
519-888-4567, ext. 41372
TJB 2266
Link to profile:
Plinio Pelegrini Morita
Link to personal webpage:
Plinio Morita
Paul Murphy
Optometry and Vision Science
519-888-4567 x42020
OPT 254
Link to profile:
Paul Murphy
Link to personal webpage:
Paul Murphy
Stephen Murphy
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Kevin Musselman
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x36740
E5 3013
Link to profile:
Kevin Musselman
Link to personal webpage:
Kevin Musselman
Praveen Rao Perampalli Nekkar
School of Pharmacy
519-888-4567 x21317
PHR 5002
Link to profile:
Praveen Nekkar
Link to personal webpage:
Praveen Rao Perampalli Nekkar
Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo
519-888-4567 x38572
BMH 2696
Link to profile:
Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo
Link to personal webpage:
Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo
Charity Oga-Omenka
School of Public Health Sciences
519-888-4567 x41298
BMH 2709
Link to profile:
Charity Oga-Omenka
Link to personal webpage:
Charity Oga-Omenka
Abiola Olaitan
Jeff Orchard
Computer Science
519-888-4567 x35037
DC 3615
Link to profile:
Jeff Orchard
Link to personal webpage:
Jeff Orchard
Tejal Patel
School of Pharmacy
Natoya Peart
519-888-4567 x41466
B1 293A
Link to profile:
Natoya Peart
Link to personal webpage:
Natoya Peart
Sean Peterson
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x38722
ERC 3007
Link to profile:
Sean D. Peterson
Link to personal webpage:
Sean Peterson
Katie Plaisance
Knowledge Integration, Associate Professor & Chair
519-888-4567 x48612
EV1 214
Link to profile:
Katie Plaisance
Link to personal webpage:
Katie Plaisance
Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam
Systems Design Engineering
519-888-4567 x43282
E7 6316
Link to profile:
Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam
Link to personal webpage:
Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam
Michael Pope
Chemical Engineering
519-888-4567 x30153
QNC 5606
Link to profile:
Michael Pope
Link to personal webpage:
Michael Pope
Mahla Poudineh
Electrical and Computer Engineering
519-888-4567 x33319
QNC 3622
Link to profile:
Mahla Poudineh
Link to personal webpage:
Mahla Poudineh
Pascal Poupart
Computer Science
519-888-4567 x36239
DC 2514
Link to profile:
Pascal Poupart
Link to personal webpage:
Pascal Poupart
Homeyra Pourmohammadali
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Link to profile:
Homeyra Pourmohammadali
Joe Quadrilatero
Omar Ramahi
Electrical and Computer Engineering
519-888-4567 x37460
EIT 4154
Link to profile:
Omar Ramahi
Link to personal webpage:
Omar Ramahi
Bruce Reed
Carolyn Ren
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x38233, 519-888-4567 x33030
E3 2108G, E3 4105
Contact for:
Expertise in microfluidics, Lab-on-a-Chip technology, protein and DNA separation towards disease diagnosis and drug discovery, living cell analysis and water toxicity testing.
Link to profile:
Carolyn Ren
Link to personal webpage:
Carolyn Ren
Parsin Haji Reza
Systems Design Engineering
519-888-4567 x40172
E7 6416
Link to profile:
Parsin Haji Reza
Link to personal webpage:
Parsin Haji Reza
Manoj Sachdev
Electrical and Computer Engineering
519-888-4567 x33370, 519-888-4016
E5 4027, EIT 3036
Link to profile:
Manoj Sachdev
Link to personal webpage:
Manoj Sachdev
Siby Samuel
Systems Design Engineering
Oliver Schneider
Management Sciences
519-888-4567 x38505
CPH 3627
Link to profile:
Oliver Schneider
Link to personal webpage:
Oliver Schneider
Matthew Scott
Applied Mathematics
519-888-4567 x35454
MC 6114
Link to profile:
Matthew Scott
Link to personal webpage:
Matthew Scott
Hamed Shahsavan
Chemical Engineering
519-888-4567 x34805
E6 2018
Link to profile:
Hamed Shahsavan
Link to personal webpage:
Hamed Shahsavan
George Shaker
Electrical & Computer Engineering
+1 519-498-5173
EIT 3123
Link to profile:
George Shaker
Link to personal webpage:
George Shaker
Tais Sigaeva
Systems Design Engineering
Link to profile:
Tais Sigaeva
David Simakov
Chemical Engineering
519-888-4567 x37048
E6 2020
Link to profile:
David Simakov
Link to personal webpage:
David Simakov
Sivabal Sivaloganathan
Applied Mathematics
Roderick Slavcev
School of Pharmacy
519-888-4567 x21301
PHR 4003
Link to profile:
Roderick Slavcev
Link to personal webpage:
Roderick Slavcev
David Spafford
519-888-4567 x38185
B1 173
Link to profile:
J. David Spafford
Link to personal webpage:
David Spafford
Daniel Stashuk
Systems Design Engineering
Paul Stolee
School of Public Health Sciences
519-888-4567 x35879
LHN 2727
Link to profile:
Paul Stolee
Link to personal webpage:
Paul Stolee
Michael Tam
Chemical Engineering
519-888-4567 x38339
QNC 5617
Link to profile:
Michael K.C. Tam
Link to personal webpage:
Michael Tam
Shirley Tang
519-888-4567 x38037
QNC 4618
Link to profile:
Shirley Tang
Link to personal webpage:
Shirley Tang
Pejoohan Tavassoti
Civil and Environmental Engineering
E2 3305
Link to profile:
Pejoohan Tavassoti
Link to personal webpage:
Pejoohan Tavassoti
Scott Taylor
519-888-4567 x33325
C2 388
Link to profile:
Scott Taylor
Link to personal webpage:
Scott Taylor
Ben Thompson
Optometry and Vision Science
519-888-4567 ext. 39398
OPT 332
Link to profile:
Ben Thompson
Link to personal webpage:
Ben Thompson
John Thompson
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Hamid Tizhoosh
Systems Design Engineering, Adjunct Professor
Ehsan Toyserkani
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x37560
EC4 1031
Contact for:
Expertise in additive manufacturing of biodegradable scaffolds for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering applications, optical sensors for biomedical area.
Link to profile:
Ehsan Toyserkani
Link to personal webpage:
Ehsan Toyserkani
Mahesh Tripunitara
Electrical and Computer Engineering
519-888-4567 x42864
E7 5432
Link to profile:
Mahesh V. Tripunitara
Link to personal webpage:
Mahesh Tripunitara
James Tung
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Karen Van Ooteghem
Link to profile:
Karen Van Ooteghem
Justin Wan
Computer Science
519-888-4567 x34468
DC 3625
Link to profile:
Justin Wan
Link to personal webpage:
Justin Wan
Valerie Ward
Chemical Engineering
519-888-4567 x38625
E6 4016
Link to profile:
Valerie Ward
Link to personal webpage:
Valerie Ward
John Wen
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x38362
E3 3151
Link to profile:
John Z. Wen
Link to personal webpage:
John Wen
Shawn Wettig
School of Pharmacy
519-888-4567 x21303
PHR 4012
Link to profile:
Shawn Wettig
Link to personal webpage:
Shawn Wettig
Thomas Willett
Systems Design Engineering
519-888-4567 x48405
E7 6438
Link to profile:
Thomas Willett
Link to personal webpage:
Thomas Willett
Alex Wong
Systems Design Engineering
519-888-4567 x31299
EC4 2019
Link to profile:
Alexander Wong
Link to personal webpage:
Alex Wong
Andrew Wong
Professor Emeritus
519-888-4567 x35775
EC4 2029
Link to profile:
Andrew KC Wong
Link to personal webpage:
Andrew Wong
Stan Woo
Optometry & Vision Science
Yimin Wu
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
David Yevick
Physics and Astononmy
519-888-4567 x35200
PHY 356
Contact for:
Expertise in numerical simulation, optics, polarization, electric field propagation, guided waves, optoelectronics devices and systems
Link to profile:
David Yevick
Link to personal webpage:
David Yevick
Evelyn Yim
Chemical Engineering
519-888-4567 x33928
E6 4014
Link to profile:
Evelyn K.F. Yim
Link to personal webpage:
Evelyn Yim
Jung-Ho Yu
Chemistry, Assistant Professor
Boxin Zhao
Chemical Engineering
519-888-4567 x38666
E6 2012
Link to profile:
Boxin Zhao
Link to personal webpage:
Boxin Zhao
Norman Zhou
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x36095
E5 3007
Contact for:
Expertise in welding and joining, especially for medical implantable devices, programmable shape memory alloys, corrosion of laser processes NiTi alloys.
Link to profile:
Norman Y. Zhou
Link to personal webpage:
Norman Zhou