Veronika Magdanz

Veronika Magdanz
Assistant Professor
Location: E7 6432
Phone: 519-888-4567 x41532


Veronika Magdanz is an Assistant Professor in Systems Design Engineering since 2022 focusing on Biomedical Engineering.
She obtained her doctorate from the University of Dresden in 2016 for the development of sperm-driven microrobots performed at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research IFW Dresden in Germany. Subsequently, she conducted research in metabolic and kinetic studies of sperm as well as sperm-templated microrobots at the Applied Zoology department of the TU Dresden. During her time as Humboldt Fellow at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia she explored medical applications of flexible magnetic small scale robots and the 3D bioprinting of muscle tissue.
Her main research interest is in microrobotics for medical applications. This includes biohybrid approaches, such as harnessing functionalities of cells and other biological components for innovative solutions in medicine. Further, she works on the development of bioinspired artificial microrobots that are wirelessly controlled by magnetic fields.

Research Interests

  • microrobots
  • sperm cells
  • magnetic actuation
  • remote control
  • wireless
  • soft robots
  • medical robots
  • bioprinting
  • 3D printing


  • 2016, Doctorate Biology, TU Dresden, Germany
  • 2010, Master of Science Biotechnology, TU Braunschweig, Germany


  • BME 186 - Chemistry Principles
    • Taught in 2023, 2024, 2025
  • SYDE 684 - Materials Biocompatibility
    • Taught in 2023, 2024

* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.

Selected/Recent Publications

  • Dias, João MS and Estima, Daniel and Punte, Harmen and Klingner, Anke and Marques, Lino and Magdanz, Veronika and Khalil, Islam SM, Modeling and Characterization of the Passive Bending Stiffness of Nanoparticle-Coated Sperm Cells using Magnetic Excitation, Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2100438, 2022
  • Chattopadhyay, Purnesh and Magdanz, Veronika and Hernández-Meliá, María and Borchert, Konstantin BL and Schwarz, Dana and Simmchen, Juliane, Size-Dependent Inhibition of Sperm Motility by Copper Particles as a Path toward Male Contraception, Advanced NanoBiomed Research, 2100152, 2022
  • Middelhoek, Kaz and Magdanz, Veronika and Abelmann, Leon and Khalil, Islam, Drug-loaded IRONSperm clusters: modeling, wireless actuation, and ultrasound imaging, Biomedical Materials, , 2022
  • Magdanz, Veronika and Vivaldi, Jacopo and Mohanty, Sumit and Klingner, Anke and Vendittelli, Marilena and Simmchen, Juliane and Misra, Sarthak and Khalil, Islam SM, Impact of Segmented Magnetization on the Flagellar Propulsion of Sperm-Templated Microrobots, Advanced science, 2004037, 2021
  • Ebrahimi, Nafiseh and Bi, Chenghao and Cappelleri, David J and Ciuti, Gastone and Conn, Andrew T and Faivre, Damien and Habibi, Neda and Hošovsk{\\`y}, Alexander and Iacovacci, Veronica and Khalil, Islam SM and others, Magnetic actuation methods in bio/soft robotics, Advanced functional materials, 2005137, 2021

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Graduate studies