Contact information
Office: BMH 1114
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 48109
Email: wmcilroy@uwaterloo.ca
Websites: Neuroscience, Mobility and Balance Lab, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto Rehab
Research interests
As director of the Neuroscience, Mobility and Balance Lab (NiMBaL), my research focuses on: 1) advancing understanding of how the brain and other parts of the central nervous system control movements of the body, and 2) translating knowledge to help individuals improve their recovery after a neurological injury (such as a stroke) and to minimize age-related effects on the control of mobility. We also work to develop new assessment tools using wearable sensor technologies. Our research is conducted in university-based labs, in clinic-based labs and in the community.
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies
Content expertise
Neuroscience, balance and gait, exercise, neurologic disorders, aging
Experimental tools/technologies
Electroencephalography, electromyography, transcranial magnetic stimulation, magnetic resonance imaging, peripheral nerve stimulation, galvanic skin measurement, eye-tracker, motion analysis, kinetic measurement, wearable sensor technology.
KIN104: Introduction to Kinesiology
KIN416: Neuromuscular integration
Advanced movement assessment
BSc Human Kinetics, University of Guelph
MSc, University of Guelph
PhD, University of Guelph
Selected publications
See Google Scholar for full list of publications.
See PubMed for publications.
Vert A, Weber KS, Thai V, Turner E, Beyer KB, Cornish BF, Godkin FE, Wong C, McIlroy WE, Van Ooteghem K. Detecting accelerometer non-wear periods using change in acceleration combined with rate-of-change in temperature. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2022 May 20;22(1):147.
Thomson S, Badiuk B, Parokaran Varghese J, Thai V, McIlroy WE, Van Ooteghem K. Standing, Transition, and Walking Ability in Older Adults: The Case for Independently Evaluating Different Domains of Mobility Function. Gerontology. 2022 Jan 13:1-12.
Godkin FE, Turner E, Demnati Y, Vert A, Roberts A, Swartz RH, McLaughlin PM, Weber KS, Thai V, Beyer KB, Cornish B, Abrahao A, Black SE, Masellis M, Zinman L, Beaton D, Binns MA, Chau V, Kwan D, Lim A, Munoz DP, Strother SC, Sunderland KM, Tan
B, McIlroy WE, Van Ooteghem K. Feasibility of a continuous, multi-sensor remote health monitoring approach in persons living with neurodegenerative disease. J Neurol. 2022 May;269(5):2673-2686.
Singer JC, Prentice SD, McIlroy WE. Exploring the role of applied force eccentricity after foot-contact in managing anterior instability among older adults during compensatory stepping responses. Gait Posture. 2019 Sep;73:161-167.
Miyasike-daSilva V, Singer JC, McIlroy WE. A role for the lower visual field information in stair climbing. Gait Posture. 2019 May;70:162-167. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2019.02.033.
Varghese JP, Staines WR, McIlroy WE. Activity in Functional Cortical Networks Temporally Associated with Postural Instability. Neuroscience. 2019 Mar 1;401:43-58.