Course enrolment and planning

Enrolling in courses via "Quest"

First-year and transfer students

Read the course selection information for first-year and transfer students

Upper-year students

Third and fourth year students must enrol themselves in all their courses. You are responsible to ensure that you are following your required sequence (see the Student Handbook for your year of entry). You can use the Schedule of Classes to find the times and locations of courses.

You will enroll in your electives online using Quest. You can enrol in courses during your enrolment appointment or during open enrolment. Enrolment appointments usually occur over a three day period approximately three months before the term starts.

Prior to enrolment there is a course selection period during which all upper year students should submit requests on Quest for Future Term Offerings (required and elective courses). If you have any problems or require consent to enroll, contact your academic advisor. NOTE: Requesting courses gives you a much better chance of getting the courses that you want or need but does not however guarantee you will get the courses requested.

You will have the first two weeks of classes to add new classes, and the first three weeks to drop classes! Please use the SWAP function to make course changes.  This will ensure you remain in the original course if the desired section/course is full.

Students can access their degree checklist and sequence of courses on their KIN Advising LEARN page.

Term by Term Kinesiology Course offerings

The Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences has a 3-year teaching plan (The Plan). The Plan is a list of courses that the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences will offer each  Fall, Winter and Spring term. The Department will do whatever it can to ensure that the courses outlined in The Plan are offered. However, it is possible that unforeseen circumstances may result in changes to The Plan and some courses may not be offered. Conversely, it is possible that new and exciting courses may be added to The Plan as instructors develop new curriculum for the Kinesiology Program. You will be notified of any potential changes to The Plan and this site will be updated prior to course selection for the upcoming academic term. For more information about each class and its pre-requisites please review the Undergraduate Calendar Course Descriptions. You can also find out the meet times and location for classes this term on the Schedule of Classes. If you have any questions please contact your academic advisor or the Associate Chair Undergraduate Studies.

Current Kinesiology students can view course syllabi on their LEARN pages. All others will need to contact Lee Chandler for inquiries regarding course syllabi.


100 Level

Class//Term Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Winter 2026 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Winter 2027 Spring 2027
KIN 100    Offered      Offered      Offered  
KIN 100L    Offered      Offered      Offered  
KIN 104 Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 104L Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 121 Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 121L Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 140L    Offered      Offered      Offered  
KIN 146    Offered      Offered      Offered  

200 Level

Class//Term Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Winter 2026 Spring 2026 Fall 2026 Winter 2027 Spring 2027
KIN 202  Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 202L  Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 204    Offered  Offered    Offered      Offered         
KIN 204L    Offered  Offered    Offered      Offered         
KIN 217  Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 221    Offered  Offered    Offered      Offered         
KIN 221L    Offered  Offered    Offered      Offered         
KIN 232    Offered  Offered    Offered      Offered         
KIN 255  Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 255L  Offered      Offered      Offered    


Course//Term Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Winter 2026 Spring 2026 Fall 2026 Winter 2027 Spring 2027
KIN 301  Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 305  Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 307          Offered    Offered           
KIN 308  Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 310    Offered      Offered      Offered  
KIN 312    Offered      Offered      Offered  
KIN 320    Offered      Offered      Offered  
KIN 326    Offered      Offered      Offered  
KIN 327    Offered      Offered      Offered  
KIN 340  Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 342    Offered      Offered      Offered  
KIN 343   Online       Online       Online    
KIN 346  Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 351    Offered      Offered      Offered  
KIN 352    Offered      Offered      Offered  
KIN 354  Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 356    Offered      Offered      Offered  
KIN 357  Offered      Offered      Offered    
KIN 359  Offered      Offered            Offered    
KIN 360     Online       Online       Online  
KIN 397    Offered      Offered      Offered  


Course//Term Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Winter 2026 Spring 2026 Fall 2026 Winter 2027 Spring 2027
KIN 400 Offered     Offered     Offered    
KIN 402              Offered            Offered           
KIN 403   Offered     Offered     Offered  
KIN 404   Offered     Offered     Offered  
KIN 406 Offered     Offered     Offered    
KIN 407 Offered     Offered     Offered    
KIN 414 Offered     Offered     Offered    
KIN 415   Offered          Offered     Offered  
KIN 416 Offered      Offered     Offered    
KIN 418 Offered     Offered     Offered    
KIN 420 Offered     Offered     Offered    
KIN 422 Offered     Offered     Offered    
KIN 425 Offered     Offered         Offered    
KIN 427 Offered     Offered     Offered    
KIN 428 Offered       Offered     Offered  
KIN 429 Offered     Offered     Offered    
KIN 446   Offered     Offered     Offered  
KIN 453 Offered        Offered     Offered  
KIN 455   Offered          Offered      Offered  
KIN 459               Offered  
KIN 464                  
KIN 470 Offered Offered   Offered Offered   Offered Offered  
KIN 471a Offered                
KIN 471b   Offered              
KIN 491 Offered     Offered     Offered    
KIN 492   Offered          Offered     Offered  
KIN 493                  


Each class is available every Fall/Winter/Spring term, but KIN 431/432 are strongly encouraged to be completed in the Fall/Winter terms, respectively. This aligns with the winter term research colloquium, where students present their research and findings to the department, deviance from that is contingent upon approval from your supervisor.

These unique Kinesiology courses allow students a wide range of opportunities to pursue laboratory and project research under the supervision of a Kinesiology professor whom the student must seek out to confirm their willingess to act as supervisor.

You can review the research pursuits of Kinesiology professors here and contact the professor whose research interests best align with your own. You'll need to confirm their availability to supervise you for whichever of the below courses most interests you. Working with that professor, you can discuss what interests you, what you would like to do, what they may like you to do, and what they are able to support you with. If you reach an agreement, please email your academic advisor to confirm and to enrol in the class.

Class Description
KIN 391: Research Apprenticeship This course provides an opportunity to learn how research is done by working in the research program of a faculty member and involves unpaid participation for 6-8 hours per week for at least 12 weeks of the term. A student may only enrol once in KIN 391. This course is graded as credit/no credit.
KIN 431: Research Proposal

The first half of KIN 431/432, KIN 431 is an independent paper in the form of a research proposal on an approved topic. The topic may include survey, field, laboratory, theoretical or applied research, program evaluation, mathematical modelling, fitness appraisal, etc. The format is to be determined with the supervisor and may be in chapters or in journal style

KIN 432: Research Project

The second half of KIN 431/432,  KIN 432 is an independent research project on an approved topic, supervised by a faculty member. This is the completion of the research proposed in KIN 431. The format is to be determined with the supervisor and may be in chapters or in journal style. Students must present their findings and research at an end of term research colloquium held each winter.

KIN 433: Senior Essay An extensive critical review of the literature on an approved topic. The topics will be broader in scope than those associated with specific research proposals.
KIN 472: Directed Study in Special Topics For the student who desires to pursue a particular topic in depth through guided independent research and/or reading. A faculty member must approve a student's project prior to registration. May be repeated in subsequent terms. 


KIN 471 courses are new courses and are going through the formal course approval process at the University. Eventually, these courses will have their own unique course code (e.g., KIN 368). Accordingly, course numbers, course titles and course descriptions are subject to change. These courses share the course number 471, but are each unique classes with unique titles and content.

Course//Term Fall 2023 Winter 2024 Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Winter 2026 Spring 2026
Wearble Technologies   X   X X        
Human Anatomy of the Thorax and Abdomen X     X          

Problems with enrollment?

If you are unable to enroll in a course using Quest there are a couple of things you should consider.

If you received an error message you can find out what it means, and what to do about it, on the Quest error messages page.

You can also check the Schedule of Classes and Undergraduate Calendar Course Descriptions to determine class constraints that would prevent successful enrolment.

HINT: If the instructor does not agree to allow an override for a full class, you can watch enrolment numbers on Quest during the first week of classes. If a seat becomes available you'll be able to enrol.

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Drop and Add courses

Add courses

Courses may be added on Quest during your enrolment appointment or during the open enrolment period. Open enrolment for each term continues until the end of the second week of classes in that term (or the end of the first week of classes for Distance Education courses). Course additions are not permitted after the end of the second week of classes.

For a detailed list of all Kinesiology courses including required/electives, pre-requisites needed and terms offered, see Kinesiology course offerings by term.

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Drop courses

Please consult with an advisor before you decide to drop any required courses; however, you can usually drop elective courses depending on how many weeks of the term have passed.

If you receive an error message when attempting to drop a course on Quest you should contact an academic advisor for assistance.

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Important drop dates to remember

No Penalty Period

Courses dropped during the first three weeks of classes disappear from your schedule. Your transcript will not show that you attempted this course. If you are enrolled full-time (four courses or more) you are not allowed to drop below four courses without obtaining permission from an academic advisor.

Penalty 1 Period – WD (Withdrew – no academic penalty)

Courses dropped between the fourth and tenth weeks of classes will continue to show on your transcript with a grade of WD. This shows that you attempted the course but dropped it during the term however the grade does not count in your average.

Penalty 2 Period – WF (Withdrew – failed)

Normally, no courses may be dropped without academic penalty after the tenth week of classes (check the “Important Dates” listed on Quest for the specific date each term). A grade of WF is assigned and counts as a failure (32%) in your average.

There is also a date, usually just prior to the examination period, when you are no longer permitted to drop any courses without a petition.

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Enrolling in courses at Wilfrid Laurier University

If the course that you would like to take is listed in the University of Waterloo course offerings list with the division code “WLU”, you may enroll for the course as if it were a Waterloo course. If the course is not listed, you must follow the cross-registration procedures. Cross Registration forms can be found here. Keep in mind that students may only take two (2) WLU Kinesiology and Physical Education (KPE) courses (0.50 units) for credit.*

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Enrolling in courses at another university

Under the Letter of Permission Policy, a student may request permission to take a course(s) at another university for credit towards their degree at the University of Waterloo. All courses taken on Letter of Permission will be recorded with a grade of CR and will not factor into average calculations. Letter of Permission forms are available on-line under the 'printable forms' site. The Letter of Permission must be accompanied by a detailed description of the course requested, the reason for the request, and a $25.00 fee.

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