Eric Croiset

Eric Croiset

Contact information

Phone: 519-888-4567 x46472
Location: E6 3020


Google Scholar

Biography summary

Eric Croiset, PhD is a Professor at the University of Waterloo and the former Chair of the Chemical Engineering Department.

His research interests include sustainable energy management, reaction engineering, the exploration of alternative energy and the optimization of carbon dioxide capture processes.

Dr. Croiset and his team have collaborated with CanmetENERGY, Natural Resources Canada to understand, simulate and economically evaluate 3 carbon dioxide capture processes: post-combustion, pre-combustion and oxy-fuel combustion. His goal is to understand the dynamic behaviour of carbon dioxide capture plants, and to develop designs of power plants with carbon dioxide capture. Professor Croiset is also interested in multi-period optimization to predict the impact of new technologies, such as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, on the fleet of power generation in Ontario over the next few decades.

Prof. Croiset’s interest in alternative energy sources has led him to model the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and understand charge transfer and reaction kinetics in the SOFC. This is in an effort to reduce the operating temperature range from 800-100oC to 600-700oC, as high temperatures result in fuel cell instability. His approach is to use a ceria-based electrolyte and develop carbon and sulfur tolerant anodes on metal supported SOFC.

Another area of Prof. Croiset’s research work is in syngas/hydrogen production from natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), ethanol and glycerol. He is also producing high pressure hydrogen from ethanol, desulphurization using advance solvents and designing reactors and systems to produce methanol. In 2010 and 2011, he received a grant of $7,425 from the Ontario Centres of Excellence for the preliminary design of Elementa Green Methanol Waste-to-Methanol Process (Elementa).

In addition to his research work, Prof. Croiset has contributed to the book “Environmentally Conscious Fossil Energy Production”.

Research interests

  • Reaction Engineering
  • Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)
  • Syngas/Hydrogen production
  • Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS)
  • Process simulation
  • Reactions in Supercritical Water
  • Green Reaction Engineering
  • Large scale optimization of energy systems
  • CO2 capture from large point sources


  • 1995, Doctorate, Physical Chemistry, University of Orleans, CNRS - Laboratoire de Combustion et Systemes Reactifs
  • 1992, Engineer Diploma, Thermal Engineering, School of Energy and Materials, University of Orleans.
  • 1992, Diplome d'Etude Approfondie, Post graduate diploma before completing a Ph.D., Combustion Sciences, University of Orleans


  • CHE 314 - Chemical Reaction Engineering
    • Taught in 2020, 2022, 2023
  • CHE 383 - Chemical Engineering Design Workshop
    • Taught in 2023, 2024
  • CHE 482 - Group Design Project
    • Taught in 2023, 2024
  • CHE 483 - Group Design Project and Symposium
    • Taught in 2021
  • CHE 602 - Chemical Reactor Analysis
    • Taught in 2020, 2022, 2024

* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.

Selected/recent publications

  • Hamadeh H., Toor S.Y, Douglas P.L., Sarathy M., Dibble R.W. and Croiset E., Techno-Economic Analysis of Pressurized Oxy-Fuel Combustion of Petroleum Coke, Energies, 13(13), 3463-3474, 2020.
  • Raj, Abhishek and Croiset, Eric and Wen, John Z, Numerical analysis of effects of iron pentacarbonyl as fuel additive for reducing NO and soot precursors from methane/air diffusion flame, Fuel, 216, 2018, 768 - 780
  • Ideris, Asmida and Croiset, Eric and Pritzker, Mark, Ni-samaria-doped ceria (Ni-SDC) anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) operating with CO, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(14), 2017, 9180 - 9187
  • Ideris, A and Croiset, E and Pritzker, M and Amin, A, Direct-methane solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) with Ni-SDC anode-supported cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(36), 2017, 23118 - 23129
  • Li, Jingde and Cheng, Kuang and Croiset, Eric and Anderson, William A and Li, Qinghai and Tan, Zhongchao, Effects of SO2 on CO2 capture using chilled ammonia solvent, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 63, 2017, 442 - 448
  • Toor, Sannan Yousaf and Croiset, Eric, Fabrication of Metal Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (MS-SOFC) with Ceria and Zirconia Based Electrolytes, ECS Transactions, 78(1), 2017, 2051 - 2058
  • Alie, C., Elkamel, A., Douglas, P.L. and Croiset, E., Reduced-order modelling of flexible CCS and assessment using short-term resource scheduling approach, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 48, 2016, 253 - 274
  • Chansomwong, Atchariya and Douglas, Peter L and Croiset, Eric and Zanganeh, Kourosh and Shafeen, Ahmed and Ricardez-Sandoval, Luis, Control of An Oxy-fuel Capture and Purification Unit For Coal-Based Power Plants, Energy Procedia, 63, 2014, 476 - 483
  • Harun, Noorlisa and Nittaya, Thanita and Douglas, Peter L and Croiset, Eric and Ricardez-Sandoval, Luis A, Dynamic simulation of MEA absorption process for CO2 capture from power plants, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 10, 2012, 295 - 309
  • Harun, Noorlisa and Douglas, Peter L and Ricardez-Sandoval, Luis and Croiset, Eric, Dynamic simulation of MEA absorption processes for CO2 capture from fossil fuel power plant, Energy Procedia, 4, 2011, 1478 - 1485
  • Majd Tabbara, Peter L. Douglas & Eric Croiset, Real Impact of CO2 Utilization: A Dynamic LCA Approach, Canadian Conference of Chemical Engineering, 10 2018, Toronto. (Accepted in 2018)

Graduate studies