Host: Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology (CBB)
Visitors: University of Twente, The Netherlands, University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam, University of Maastricht
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Location: E7-2317
date and Time: June 19, 1:00-4:30 pm
Areas of focus:
Smart Aging & Personalized EHealth Technologies; Rehab & Human Enhancement Technologies; Digital Society and High Tech Innovations; Value-based Healthcare.
- Establishing collaboration between partners (Universities, Rehab Institutes) by introducing research priorities in each side
- Apply for international funding opportunities
- Student/Staff Exchange, internship, workshops in both countries
- Understand the logistics and process of international partnerships
1:00-1:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks by Professor Theo Toonen, Dean faculty Behavioural, Management and Social science
Part I: 1:15-2:45
Smart Aging, Personalized EHealth Technologies:
Geke Ludden, Associate professor Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET), University of Twente “Engaging interactions in self-management of health; Interaction Design”.
Plinio Morita, Assistant Professor - School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo, “Population-Level Surveillance using eHealth, IoT, and AAL”.
Thomas van Rompay, Associate Professor, University Of Twente, Fac Behavioural, Management and Society, “Healing Environments and Emerging Technologies: Mental States and Psychological Wellbeing”.
Ehsan Kamrani, Research Associate, ECE, CIARS Lab, University of Waterloo, “Smart Wearable Technologies for Aging and Rehabilitation”.
Games for Health
Jen Boger, Assistant Professor, SYDE, Schlegel Research Chair in Technology for Independent Living, University of Waterloo, “Intelligent Technology for Wellness and Independent Living”.
Somaya Ben Allouch, Associate Professor, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, “Social Robotics for Smart Ageing”.
Kerstin Dautenhahn, Professor, Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering/Systems Design Engineering, Canada 150 Research Chair in Intelligent Robotics, University of Waterloo, “Robot-assisted therapy with social robots”.
Rehab & Human Enhancement Tech
Arash Arami, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, “Neuromechanics based assistive robotics”.
Marij Middag-van Spanje, Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience at Maastricht University, scientific researcher at InteraktContour, “Non-invasive brain stimulation as an innovative treatment for people with brain injury”.
Hans Rietman, Professor in Rehabilitation Medicine and Technology; Faculty of Engineering Technology / MIRA institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine, University of Twente, “Rehabilitation Technology; care for the future”.
Part II: 2:50-4: 20
Nanotech and personalized medicine
Ruud Verdaasdonk, Professor of Health Technology Implementation at the University of Twente, “The use of smart devices for monitoring and diagnostics in health care”.
Shirley Tang, ADR Science, Professor of Chemistry & WIN, University of Waterloo, “Intelligent Materials and Devices for Critical Medical Needs”.
Albert van den Berg, Professor Miniaturized Systems for (Bio)Chemical Analysis in the faculty of Electrical Engineering and part of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology; University of Twente, “Organs on Chip; for drug development and personalized medicine”. a.vandenberg@utwente.nl
Tejal Patel, Assistant Clinical Professor, Faculty of Science/ School of Pharmacy, University of Waterloo, “Older adults and medication adherence technology: usability, workload and impact”.
Jesse St. Jean, PhD Candidate, School of Pharmacy, University of Waterloo, “Using Transcriptomics to Guide Gene Therapy in Alzheimer's Disease”.
Value-based healthcare, Health tech implementation
Bart Nieuwenhuis, Professor QoS of Telematics Services, Department Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems (IEBIS), “eHealth Business Development”.
Helen Chen, Professor of Practice, Associate Director, Professional Practice Centre for Health Systems, University of Waterloo “Canadian Personalized Health Innovation Network: An example of integrated data network”.
Ruud Verdaasdonk, Professor of Health Technology Implementation at University of Twente “Health Technology Implementation on the UTwente in the European context”.
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