In this talk, professors Nilson do Rosário Costa, Alessandro Jatobá, and Augusto Raupp will present the challenges faced toward innovation in healthcare in Brazil, from the perspective of one of the largest healthcare research institutions in the world, and the top innovative one in Brazil: the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ). The mission that FIOCRUZ has been carrying for more than 120 years is to produce, disseminate, and share knowledge for the strengthening and consolidation of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), fostering the promotion of health and quality of life, and standing for the comprehensive access to quality healthcare as a human right. FIOCRUZ runs more than a thousand research and development projects, producing science and technology for the control of diseases such as AIDS, malaria, Chagas' disease, tuberculosis, measles, rubella, schistosomiasis, meningitis and hepatitis, as well as other topics related to public health, including violence, climate change, and the history of science. Along with 18 graduate programs in diverse areas in healthcare, FIOCRUZ hosts the largest hub of public pharmaceutical laboratories in Brazil - the Drug Technology Institute (Farmanguinhos) – generating nearly 40% of the drug purchases of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. In addition, FIOCRUZ hosts Brazil’s largest hub of public laboratories for vaccine production: the Immunobiological Technology Institute (Biomanguinhos), which outputs around 130 million doses a year. Biomanguinhos is also the world’s largest manufacturer of the vaccine against Yellow Fever, and the only Latin American laboratory certified by the World Health Organization (WHO) for this purpose.
Nilson do Rosário Costa, Ph.D. conducts research on the evaluation of policies for public health, health systems, reforms and governance. He leads research projects on healthcare innovation policies and processes, technological development for healthcare, and healthcare industrial complexes. Dr. Costa has also served as an advisor for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), and the World Bank.
Alessandro Jatobá, Ph.D. runs research on Human Factors in Healthcare, focused on care coordination and computer supported health assistance. He has worked as a research advisor for the Brazilian Ministry of Health in projects related to primary and emergency care, healthcare management, and public health reforms. During his Ph.D. in Systems Design Engineering, Dr. Jatobá was a visiting scholar in the Advanced Interface Design Lab (AIDL) at the University of Waterloo.
Augusto Raupp has a Ph.D. degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Public Policy, Strategy and Development. Recently, he has held the position of Undersecretary of State for Science, Technology and Innovation of Rio de Janeiro until December 2018. Previously, Dr. Raupp has served as President of the Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro between 2015 and 2017, as well as the Coordinator of Business Relations and as Innovation Manager at the Center for Technological Development in Health of FIOCRUZ.