In this workshop, we will collaborate to address the ableist attitudes, policies, and practices that are built into institutions – be they in higher education or medicine. We will also interrogate the minimal and temporary means we have been given to address inequities, and the cost such an approach has had for disabled people. We will explore our own ableist biases, apologies and defenses in an effort to build tools for a much more accessible future.
Registration link: https://uwaterloo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwkcOqsqzovG9J1gfefiIwFF6flB8pmvWHl
Professor Jay Dolmage
I have a lovely partner named Heather, a dog named Bingo, and three hilarious children named Vern, Francine, and Murphy. I am committed to disability rights in my scholarship, service, and teaching. My work brings together rhetoric, writing, disability studies, and critical pedagogy. My first book, entitled Disability Rhetoric, was published with Syracuse University Press in 2014. Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education was published with Michigan University Press in 2017 and is available in an open-access version online. Disabled Upon Arrival: Eugenics, Immigration, and the Construction of Race and Disability was published in 2018 with Ohio State University Press. I am the Founding Editor of the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies.