Dr. Alex Wong talks about designing responsible artificial intelligence

Monday, November 12, 2018

Designing responsible artificial intelligence

Waterloo research group joins global partnership on AI

Given Waterloo’s leading role in innovation in the technology sector, and the developing research and commercialization of AI, this is an important question to consider. Professor Alexander Wong believes that Waterloo has an important role to play in helping to shape and guide the ethical use of AI.

On November 9, the University of Waterloo will be joining other AI industry thought leaders that includes Apple, Google, and Facebook in the Partnership on AI initiative. Alexander Wong is a professor in the Systems Design Engineering department and Co-Director of the Vision and Image Processing (VIP) Research Group at Waterloo. He will be spearheading the VIP research group’s collaborations with the Partnership on AI.

“We want to build responsible AI that considers ethical ramifications and asks, what is the best benefit for humanity,” said Wong.

[Full story: Waterloo Stories]