This year, the Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology launched its first ever Seed Fund program in hopes of driving scientific innovation, growth, and opportunity through the support of collaborative research across UW faculties.
Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology Seed Grant 2018 Recipients, along with their proposal title, are listed below.

Kostadinka Bizheva, Physics and Astronomy;
Elizabeth Irving, Optometry and Vision Science; Denise Hileeto, Optometry and Vision Science
- Using ultrahigh resolution OCT (UHR-OCT) to image in-vivo and quantify metrics in the posterior eye associated with myopia

Jennifer Boger, Systems Design Engineering; Ning Jiang, Systems Design Engineering; Shoja’eddin Chenouri, Statistics and Actuarial Science
- The impact of fatigue on EEG-based BCI applications for post-stroke rehabilitation

Andrew Doxey, Biology; Pu Chen, Chemical Engineering; Bin Ma, Computer Science; Todd Holyoak, Biology; Trevor Charles, Biology
- Proteolytic disruption of bacterial biofilms using natural enzyme polymers

Marianna Foldvari, Pharmacy; Kostadinka Bizheva, Physics and Astronomy
- In-vivo monitoring of gene and drug delivery in the eye with optical coherence tomography (OCT)

Maud Gorbet, Systems Design Engineering; Lyndon Jones, Optometry and Vision Science; Brian Dixon, Biology
- Development of a co-culture in vitro model of the ocular surface to investigate the inflammatory and immune response induced by ophthalmic drugs and biomaterials

Stewart McLachlin, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering; Clark Dickerson, Kinesiology
- Boosting human activity recognition AI performance with stimulated inertial data

Shirley Tang, Chemistry; Jonathan Blay, Pharmacy
- Bioprinter and bioink formulation for the printing of authentic 3D colorectal tumor models

James Tung, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
- Advancing prosthetic socket fit: Biofeedback for new trastibial amputees