Jennifer Boger and Shi Cao using virtual reality to help older adults exercise
Jennifer Boger, Shi Cao and collaborators are investigating new ways to provide individualized exercise opportunities for older adults and persons living with dementia.
Jennifer Boger, Shi Cao and collaborators are investigating new ways to provide individualized exercise opportunities for older adults and persons living with dementia.
Mohammad Kohandel, Sivbal Sivaloganathan and colleagues have discovered that applied mathematics can be used as a tool in predicting the genesis and evolution of different types of cancers.
The study uses evolutionary dynamics, a form of mathematical analysis, to look at how mutations evolve in stem and non-stem cells in colorectal and intestinal cancers.
Jennifer Boger receives funding through JPI MYBL 2017 for a project in "Ageing and place in a digitising world."
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the University of Waterloo and the University of Twente to establish an international, transatlantic data research network rooted in the combination of engineering and sciences with social and health sciences was signed at the Design Lab.
The University of Waterloo and the Medical Device Commercialization Centre (MDCC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. This will allow medical device technologies developed at Waterloo to access the services of MDCC.
CBB welcomes and is supporting the 18th CSChE (Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering) Quebec-Ontario Biotechnology Meeting held at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario on May 26-27, 2016.
Leaders in community health care, technology, research and entrepreneurship will gather next week to discuss the ways these areas intersect in medicine now and should in the future, while celebrating a milestone anniversary for one health-care facility in the region.
Congratulations to CBB members Drs. N. Chandrashekar, S. Acker, A. Laing, N. Jiang, J. Kofman, L. Giangregorio, and K. Grindrod in being awarded seed grant funding from the Propel Centre for Population Health Impact for the Chronic Disease Prevention Initiative (CDPI) competition for Spring 2015.
John McPhee heads the new $10 million Green and Intelligent Automotive (GAIA) research facility in the Faculty of Engineering with $1 million initial funding from Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC). The Governments of Canada and Ontario are also providing $2.1 million each through the Canada Foundation for Innovation and the Ontario Research Fund Research Infrastructure program.
Zoya Leonenko chair of the conference organizing committee, the Faculty of Science, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) and the Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology (CBB) planned the three-day conference June 17-19 that brought industry and researchers together for the first Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Canada.