Fall Student Video Challenge

Saurabh Gummaraj Kishore
Congratulations to CBB Student Member: Saurabh Gummaraj Kishore, an undergraduate student majoring in Medicinal Chemistry (2A) within the Faculty of Science, for winning the Fall Video Challenge hosted by the CBB Student Ambassador Team!  Well done Saurabh!

Remote video URL

[Watch on YouTube]

Here's what he had to say about the competition: 

"As soon my eyes set on a yellow poster within the Chemistry building, I knew I had to be in! "CBB Fall Video Contest" it read with a few other details. As I did my research about the contest I decided make a video that answers some of my own questions I had about Biotechnology. The video addresses questions such as what is biotechnology, how it has impacted the world we live in now, and how it will impact the future. I hoped to answer these questions for myself during the journey of creating this video. I hope to leave the viewer inspired and asking more questions about biotechnology. To gain better understanding of where biotechnology sits right now, I decided to interview a few research professors. Dr. James Danckert - a cognitive neuroscience research professor, and Dr. Shirley Tang - a chemist and the Associate Dean of Science both gave a unique perspective to my video. Dr. James Danckert was able to give an insight of how tools that emerged from biotechnology is aiding today's modern science. Dr Shirley Tang's active involvement within the Biotech community helped me gain a better understanding of where Biotechnology might stand in the future. I learnt a lot during this journey and hope to ignite a spark of curiosity for anyone watching my video. It was a great experience and I cannot thank the Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology enough for this great opportunity."

About the Video Challenge:

Excited about biotech? Like to tell stories? Know how to use a camera?

The CBB student ambassador team is hosting a Video Challenge competition for all UW students this fall!

Remote video URL

Deadline: Nov 9, 2018, 11:59pm

Prizes: 1st - $400, Runner up - $100

About: We want you to get creative with telling a story about something related to biotechnology and bioengineering. It should be about something advanced enough that it would be taught in a university-level course, whether that's a first-year course or even a graduate-level course. You can assume your audience has a good high-school-level education.


  • Must be no longer than 3 minutes
  • Must be on a somewhat specific topic related to biotechnology or bioengineering (e.g. gene editing, bioinformatics, tissue engineering, etc.) 

Submission process: Please post your video on YouTube (unlisted is fine), and send the link to uwcbbambassadors@gmail.com by the deadline along with your name and email address, program, and term. If submitting as a team, please include information for all team members.

Note: With submission of your video in this competition, you agree to allow the CBB to freely use your video on social media, and posted on the CBB website.

Judging: The video will be judged by CBB members using the following criteria:

  • Engagement
  • Illumination
  • Creativity
  • Difficulty

This competition is based loosely on the Breakthrough Junior Challenge hosted by Breakthrough Prize Foundation. More info (and possible inspiration) can be found here: https://breakthroughjuniorchallenge.org

CBBSATFor more information email uwcbbambassadors@gmail.com