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Monday, March 22, 2021

Ming Li and Hieu Tran use machine learning to develop personalized cancer vaccines

photo of Ming Li and Hieu Tran

Our bodies are made of trillions of cells that form tissues and organs. The genes inside the nucleus of each cell code for proteins that determine a cell’s structure and function, as well as instruct a cell when to grow, divide and die. Normally, our cells follow these instructions, but if a cell’s DNA mutates it can cause the cell to divide and grow out of control. Cancer is fundamentally a disease of uncontrolled cell growth and regulation, and all cancers ultimately are caused by mutations to the genes that regulate cell division, growth and differentiation.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Rapid Novor, cofounded by Cheriton School of Computer Science Professor Bin Ma, secures $5-million USD to decode antibodies for potential treatments for COVID-19 and other illnesses

photo of Professor Bin Ma

A world-leading University of Waterloo spinoff company, that decodes blood samples for potential treatments for illnesses like cancer and COVID-19, is expanding operations with the help of a $5-million USD investment.

Bin Ma, a University of Waterloo computer science professor who cofounded Rapid Novor in 2015, says the company’s technology is the most advanced in the world when it comes to deciphering the complex workings of antibody proteins, a process called sequencing.

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