Travellers at a train station

Whether you’re travelling for school or leisure, you want the right medical advice for your destination, activities, and health status. The travel experts at Health Services are physicians and nurses who offer complete pre-travel consultations to facilitate safer travels and a healthy return.

Booking your travel clinic appointment

Since many immunizations must be given well in advance of travel, we recommend scheduling your travel clinic visit at least 6-8 weeks before your departure.

Travel Clinic visits are by appointment only. Call 519-888-4096 to book your appointment.

What to bring along

  • Your immunization record
  • Your passport
  • A detailed itinerary of your trip
  • A current medication list with dosage information

What to expect

During your travel consultation, you will meet with a travel nurse, as well as a certified Travel Medicine physician. You will receive medical guidance specific to your travel plans and tips on how to stay healthy, for example:

  • Vaccines needed to protect yourself against hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, yellow fever, meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, diarrhea, cholera, and more
  • Boosters for tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella, or the influenza vaccine during regional outbreaks
  • Food and water precautions
  • When to treat travellers’ diarrhea with antibiotics
  • How to protect yourself against insect-borne diseases
  • How to prevent altitude sickness, motion sickness and jet lag
  • What over-the-counter medications to take with you


There are fees associated with Travel Clinic visits, travel vaccinations, and vaccines as travel medicine is not covered by your medical insurance. Some private insurance companies might provide coverage for certain travel vaccinations. We can provide you with a receipt for your records and it may or may not be accepted by your insurance company.

Fees for a travel consultation range from $50.00 - $ 185.00, depending on the complexity of your travel, and do not include the cost of travel vaccinations. Payment must be received before services are rendered. Please see our cost of uninsured services page for more information.

Fees for travel vaccinations vary according to the vaccine and your health coverage. Note: UW Student Supplementary Health Plan covers the cost of all vaccines.

Payment is made by cash, Visa, Mastercard or debit at the time of service.