Capacity – Building: Graduate Student Research Projects

Research Researcher(s)
Research “Every Day Legal Problems of Canadian Consumers: Findings of a 2014 General Population Survey” Researcher(s) Matthew McManus, PhD candidate and David Kryszajtys, MA Student, York University
Research Evaluation of a Household Waste Management Awareness Program (PDF) Researcher(s) Pascale Marceau, Masters student,Université Laval
Research Cross – Jurisdictional Comparisons of Misleading Advertising, Privacy, Telecommunication and Copyright Consumer Protection Regim (PDF) Researcher(s)  Lukas Parker, Masters student, Ryerson University
Research Bibliographical investigation of sociological contributions to PPOCIR in Canada (PDF) Researcher(s)  Mathieu Lizotte, Université Laval

Innovative Consumer Use of ICTs and New Forms of Business – Consumer Interactions – PPOCIR Perspectives on Disruptive Changes

New incentives, Roles and Modalities in the Sharing / Collaborative Economy

Research Researcher(s)
Research Policy – Making in the Sharing Economy (PDF) Researcher(s) Sunil Johal, Mowat Centre, School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto
Research The Uber of Everything – How the Freed Market Economy is Disrupting and Delighting (PDF) Researcher(s) Ted Graham, PwC Canada

Social Media and Consumer Empowerment: Successes and New Challenges

Research Researcher(s)
Research Paying to disappear: Legal and commercial aspects of the right to be forgotten in Canada (PDF) Researcher(s) Alexandre Plourde, Option consommateurs
Research Taste – Makers and Taste – Breakers: Shaping Opinions Through Social Media (PDF) Researcher(s) Jui Ramaprasad, McGill University