Hiring and Retaining Staff

About this course

Surveys and exit interviews show that employees don’t leave organizations - they leave bad bosses.

In today’s competitive labour market, it is essential to hire competent and motivated employees. You also need to provide a work environment that meets the ongoing needs of your staff and encourages them to stay and grow within your organization.

Upon completing this course you will:

  • Be better able to attract the best people and retain them after they are hired.
  • Fully utilize a selection process that makes it easy to identify employees who are best suited for vacancies (this process can be used for hiring new employees as well as for internal vacancies).
  • Know what motivates an increasingly younger workforce – and you will discover what are considered to be strong motivators for employee satisfaction but in fact, are not.
  • Be able to provide the amenities/items that will encourage your employees to stay and grow within your organization.

May be applied to the Essentials of Supervision Certificate

Offered to: Public

Cost: 490 + tax

Time requirement: One day