Resources are available to equip your students with what they need in order to launch their careers.
As we integrate career education into curricular spaces, our faculty collaborations lead students to:
- Identify and articulate their skills
- Reflect on how classroom or program-level knowledge and experience translate to the labour market
- Prepare for the employment process (co-op, work-integrated learning, post-graduation)

Our career advisors are available to visit your classroom (in person or virtually) to lead a discussion or run a workshop on a career-related topic. Content can be tailored for specific faculties or programs and adapted to meet specific learning outcomes.

Are you designing a specific assignment or activity related to skill identification, goal setting or career preparation? Our career advisors are available to support you behind the scenes to ensure that your learning materials are designed to optimize student reflection and success.

Interested in highlighting how your course will strengthen your students’ employability? Our career advisors can support you in identifying the skills, knowledge and experiences that students will gain through their coursework and translate this growth into employment contexts.

We can help identify ideal moments in a student’s journey (inside or outside of the classroom) where career interventions can optimize their success. Our team is available to design and execute tailored interventions in synchronous, asynchronous and specialized formats.

Are you running a practicum, internship, apprenticeship or industry project? We partner with the Centre for Work-Integrated Learning and the Centre for Teaching Excellence to develop customized content on work search strategies, navigating workplaces, and post-experience reflection.

We offer a wide variety of virtual and in-person drop-ins, appointments and workshops to support students’ learning. We can provide support with résumés, CVs, cover letters, interview preparation, continued education planning, occupational research and career decision making. Please refer students to our website for more information.