Summer 2019 Reading Group -Heike Geißler's Saisonarbeit

Monday, July 15, 2019 7:00 pm - 7:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Seasonal Assocaite
This summer, we’ll be reading

Heike Geißler: Saisonarbeit / Seasonal Associate, trans. Katy Derbyshire

Here are some reviews about the book:

As always if you need a copy here are some places to check out:

German: Kobo, Amazon, Kindle

English: Amazon, Kindle, Indigo

Meeting Details

Date & Time: Monday, July 15, 7-9PM

Location: Please send Lori Straus any suggestions. The only requisitethat it be centrally located.

RSVP: Please confirm with the WCGS Reading Group Coordinator, Loris Straus, by July 5th that you’re coming.