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Bridge Markland: Faust in the Box
Poster: Faust in the Box Poster (PDF)
Exhibition: Names instead of Numbers
Voltaire & Frederick: A Life in Letters
Poster: Voltaire & Frederick: A Life in Letters Poster (PDF)
On November 10th, the German Stage visited the University of Waterloo staging their play Voltaire & Frederick: A Life in Letters.
Exhibition: Althea Thauberger: Marat-Sade-Bohnice
Film & discussion: Marat Sade Bohnice
Poster: Marat-Sade-Bohnice Poster (PDF)
Grimm Lecture 2013: The Lives of Others: The History of Heritage and the Rhetoric of Consensus
The 2013 Jakob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm Lecture will be given by Harvard film scholar Eric Rentschler. Professor Rentschler, who will also be receiving an honorary doctorate from the University of Waterloo for his leading scholarship in film studies, will be speaking on the film The Lives of Others / Das Leben der Anderen, winner of the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 2007.
Dictatorship and Democracy in the Age of Extremes: Spotlights on the History of Europe in the Twentieth Century

Revealing a total of 190 rare photographs, newspaper clippings and political cartoons from different European archives, the exhibition "Dictatorship and Democracy in the Age of Extremes" tells Europe's dramatic story of the 20th century – a past between freedom and tyranny, democracy and dictatorship.
Dictatorship and Democracy in the Age of Extremes: Spotlights on the History of Europe in the Twentieth Century

Revealing a total of 190 rare photographs, newspaper clippings and political cartoons from different European archives, the exhibition "Dictatorship and Democracy in the Age of Extremes" tells Europe's dramatic story of the 20th century – a past between freedom and tyranny, democracy and dictatorship.
Movie Night: Zug in die Freiheit/Train to Freedom
30.September 1989 kurz vor sieben Uhr abends. Fast 4000Menschen drängen sich im Garten der Prager Botschaft. Sie allewarten auf die Nachricht von Hans Dietrich Genscher. Schließlicherscheint er auf dem Balkon. „Liebe Landsleute. Wir sind zu Ihnen gekommen, um Ihnenmitzuteilen, dass heute Ihre Ausreise…“ Der Rest seiner Rede wirdvon lautem Jubelgeschrei übertönt. Es ist der Beginn einer derbedeutendsten Ereignisse der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte.Noch am gleichen Abend soll der erste Zug von Prag aus in die BRDfahren. Doch was dann bekannt wird, sorgt für Entsetzen: Die Zügesollen einen Umweg fahren. Sie müssen durch die DDR...
Prague 1989, September 30th. The West German Embassy in Prague finds itself the centre of the world's political stage. Forweeks, refugees from East Germany have been crowding the premises of the Palais Lobkowitz and the surrounding streets.Within days, the fenced embassy compound transformed itself into a vast refugee camp. Wrapped up in blankets and living intents, men and women, young and old, and whole families are waiting for the politicians to act. A few belongings, memories of their past and dreams of a better life in the West is all they bring along...
In German with English subtitles.