Please join the Centre for Memory and Testimony Studies for the inaugural seminar and celebration of Professor Russell Kilbourn's new book W.G. Sebald's Postsecular Redemption: Catastrophe With Spectator.
Short Q&A will be followed by light refreshments
When: Tuesday, January 15th, 2019, 5:00-6:30pm
Where: P119, Wilfrid Laurier Peters Building (corner of University Ave and Albert)
About the book: "W. G. Sebald's Postsecular Redemption demonstrates Sebald's relevance for affect theory, new materialism, and the posthuman turn. It critiques the possibility of metaphysical or eroto-salvific models of redemption, arguing against the temptation of psychoanalytic interpretations, as Sebald's work of memory rejects the discourse of redemption in favor of restitution. In its consideration of Sebald's place in twentieth-century literature and after, Kilbourn's book engages with such predecessors as Nabokov, Kafka, Conrad, and Beckett, concluding with comparisons with contemporaries Claudio Magris and Alice Munro.”
About the author: Russell J.A. Kilbourn is an Associate Professor of English and Film Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. He is the author of Cinema, Memory, Modernity: The Representation of Memory from the Art Film to Transnational Cinema.