Tuesday, June 28, 2022 3:00 pm
3:00 pm
EDT (GMT -04:00)
Lecture and Workshop with Visiting Researcher Georg Marschnig
WCGS welcomes visiting researcher Georg Marschnig (Universität Graz) on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 for a lecture and workshop. Join us in HH 373 for his lecture, the workshop, or both! Details below.
There is no registration for this event, all are welcome. Please note that masks are mandatory.
Lecture: “’Du host lai oin hoimat’ Memories and Identities of German speaking Migrants in Canada, the US and Europe"
When: 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Where: HH 373, University of Waterloo
Workshop: “www.erinnerungslandkarte.at - An online Plattform for Austrian Memorial Sites for Victims of National Socialism”
When: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Where: HH 373, University of Waterloo
About Dr. Marschnig:

Georg Marschnig, PhD, is Senior Scientist for the Didactics of History at the University of Graz. A secondary school teacher from 2009 to 2018, he collected profound experiences in History Education concerning diverse methodical and didactical approaches. Since 2017, he’s the author of several History textbooks named Denkmal. In 2018 and 2020, he held a scholarship of the Habilitation Forum for Subject Didactics and Teaching Research at the University of Graz and works on the entanglements of historical learning, multiperspectivity and language skills. He has published on several issues of History Didactics and Memory Studies, such as the articles “ 'Students like it- it's still their Genre.' A qualitative Approach to Teachers’ Views on Holocaust Education with Comics.” In: Ole Frahm, Hans-Joachim Hahn, Markus Streb (Ed.): BEYOND MAUS. The Legacy of Holocaust Comics. Vienna, 2021, “Language matters: The Hidden Curriculum of Historical Thinking as a Challenge in Teacher Training” in the International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. 40. (Schwalbach, 2019) and the monograph “Gottschee revisited. Geschichtsnarrative und Identitätsmanagement im Cyberspace” (Berlin, 2019)