The Road to Excellence in Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders: Addressing Barriers and Profiling Better Practices

Monday, March 9, 2015 8:30 am - 4:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Organizations continue to be challenged with the prevention and reduction of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Hearing from organizations that have successfully tackled barriers to realize a reduction in MSD can provide insight into what might be avoided and/or adapted. Interventions, practices, programs, techniques and tools that organizations have implemented which have prevented and/or reduced MSD will be shared via case studies.  

Interested in the potential for decreasing absenteeism and increasing employee satisfaction through successful MSD prevention strategies, then you will not want to miss this conference. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from their peers the good, the bad and the better lived experience in implementing practice changes for preventing or reducing MSD.  

Case studies across multiple sectors will be shared, including what barriers were overcome and the strategies used (e.g. policies, procedures, programs, and tools). Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their own workplace interventions with support and constructive feedback from their peers and conference presenters. 

Dr. Jodi Oakman from La Trobe University in Melbourne Victoria, Australia will assist in igniting innovative thinking in our approach to MSD reduction and prevention.

To register, please complete the registration form. Please register by March 3, 2015. An invoice for the registration fee will be emailed to you within approximately one week of submitting the registration form. Payment can be made by credit card or cheque.