CRE-MSD events for Global Ergonomics Month in October

Monday, September 12, 2016

CRE-MSD is pleased to announce the following knowledge exchange events in support of Global Ergonomics Month in October.

October 3, 2016

Sit to Stand Job Rotation for Wellness and MSD Prevention
Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel & Suites, Mississauga
8:30 AM to 3:30 PM

There has been a great deal of attention related to the negative health effects of prolonged sitting, to the extent that many erroneously believe that simply substituting long bouts of standing will negate these effects.

This conference will examine current research that links prolonged sitting and standing with musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and other ill-health outcomes. Drs David Rempel, MD, Professor Emeritus of Medicine University California San Francisco, Michelle Roberston, Scientist, Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, and Jack Callaghan, Director, CRE-MSD will kick-off the conference with a panel presentation of what the current research is telling us. 

Case studies and topics covered will include facility design, industry trends, standards and guidelines, implementation processes, interventions and training for the adaptation of sit/stand workstations. Approaches to mitigate negative outcomes and successfully implement sit/stand workstations will be presented.

Fee: $75 (HST included)
Please register by September 26, 2016.

October 27, 2016

Special guest webinar
12:00 to 1:00 PM

Special public lecture
University of Waterloo
2:00 to 4:00 PM

CRE-MSD welcomesDr. Laura Punnett, professor of occupational epidemiology and ergonomics in the College of Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Lowell. She has 30 years of experience studying the effects of the work environment on musculoskeletal disorders and other health outcomes, methods for assessing ergonomic exposures in the workplace, the influence of working conditions on socioeconomic and gender disparities in health, and factors influencing the effectiveness of workplace programs to improve worker health and safety. She is Principal Investigator and Co-Director of the Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace (CPHNEW), one of the NIOSH Total Worker Health® Centers of Excellence.  

Laura will be presenting a webinar from 12:00 to 1:00 PM for CRE-MSD's/PSHSA’s client/patient handling community of practice (CoP). She has recently been involved in a large scale study in long term care evaluating safe resident handling and the overlap between job stressors and health. Laura will share with CoP participants practical implications for all front line health workers and the clients they interact with. To register for the webinar, please email Betina Butler at

Immediately following the webinar Dr. Punnett will deliver a special public lecture from 2:00 to 4:00 PM at the University of Waterloo. She will discuss the findings of a recently concluded longitudinal study in long-term care centers in the U.S. to evaluate a safe resident handling program. The study also examined the overlap between program effectiveness and other outcomes, including health associated with job stressors, worker and resident wellbeing. Space is limited and available on a first come first serve basis. To register for the lecture, please email Betina Butler at