Dr. Alan Salmoni is a professor in the School of Kinesiology at Western University. His research spans several interdisciplinary areas within Health Sciences. His research crosses two main disciplines, aging and ergonomics, but often combines the two areas conceptually and methodologically (e.g. falls in seniors).
Two important aspects of his research program include a mixed methods approach (research combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies) and a community-based approach (a focus on helping people in communities improve their well-being). An example of these aspects is a community-based falls prevention research project called Stay on Your Feet in which Professor Salmoni has been involved. Another important aspect of his work is looking at the health effects (both bad and good) of exposure to whole-body vibration.
One area is occupational exposure, which leads to lower back problems, and Professor Salmoni studies ergonomic interventions to minimize exposure. In recent work he has also begun to look at the potential benefits of whole-body vibration as an exercise intervention to improve balance and strength in seniors.