Ergonomics in the transportation sector: The development of recommended practices to support a musculoskeletal disorders reduction strategy


Keywords: Ergonomics; Transportation; Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD)

Timeline: 2007 -2010

Researchers: Richard Wells (Principal Investigator, University of Waterloo), Philip Bigelow (University of Waterloo), Desre Kramer (University of Waterloo), Mark Diacur (Transportation Health and Safety Association of Ontario (THSAO)), Mark Skinner (THSAO)

Funder: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)

Project type: External grant

Partners: CRE-MSD, THSAO

Sector/workplace type: Transportation

Theme 3 Risk assessment and hazard identification
Theme 4 Interventions
Theme 5 Implementation


Due to the high prevalence of the musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the transportation sector, increased efforts focusing on reducing MSD risk factors are required and a demonstrable need for research to inform prevention of MSDs in the transportation sector is evident.

Research question/objectives/methods

This collaborative project with the Transportation Health and Safety Association of Ontario (THSAO), had as its objective the development of feasible and effective interventions to prevent Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) in the transportation sector. Using workshops and cross functional teams in six participating companies (courier, long haul and LTL, flat bed and waste subsectors) detailed task analyses were performed, high demand tasks were identified and prioritized in a cross company workshop and a wide range of interventions were developed. The process was book-ended by two conferences, each with international speakers.

Key findings

The participatory approach allowed the identification of a large number of higher demand tasks that could increase the risk of developing MSDs. The involvement of the transportation companies allowed the identification of countermeasures that had a high likelihood of reducing MSD risk and were feasible for the sector.

Potential interventions and guidance were described in a series of “Tip sheets”. This information can be found on the CRE-MSD website in the fact sheets section under resources.

Implications for the prevention of MSDs

This evidence-based research on the prevention of MSDs will feed into an overarching MSD-prevention initiative for the transportation sector.

Knowledge dissemination

Transportation fact sheets: General trucking, courier, waste collection

Hurley, K., Marshall, J., Hogan, K. and Wells, R. A comparison of productivity and physical demands during parcel delivery using a standard and a prototype electric courier truck, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2012, 42, 384-391.

For more information

Contact: Richard Wells or Phil Bigelow