Evaluation of the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. (OHCOW) training guidelines for low back injury prevention in paramedics


Keywords: Training, Education, Manual handling, Lumbar spine, Mixed method

Timeline: September 2016 -

Researchers: Tyson Beach (Principal Investigator, University of Toronto), Ashley Stirling (University of Toronto), David Frost (University of Toronto), Gretchen Kerr (University of Toronto)

Funder: CRE-MSD

Project type: Seed Grant

Partner: Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. (OHCOW)

Sector/Workplace type: Healthcare sector

Theme 4 Interventions


Paramedics are 5-6 more likely to submit a lost-times claim than other groups in Ontario. Guidelines for the Prevention of Back Injuries in Paramedics is a training handbook presented by the OHCOW to address the physical demands in manual handling activities which constitutes the most common injury reported by paramedics. This study will evaluate the extent to which the training resources are effective and provide feedback on how improvements can be made.

Research questions/objectives/methods

The objective of the study is to evaluate the training guideline created by OHCOW for the prevention of back injuries in paramedics. The study will address whether the handbook material is useful and engaging to paramedics and whether the knowledge is retained.

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the training guideline will be analyzed based on the Kirkpatrick Four-Level Training Evaluation Model which will incorporate assessment of the paramedics’ reaction, learning, and behavior in response to the guide. Both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected from online questionnaires, quizzes and semi-structured interviews.

Key findings

In progress

Implications for the prevention of MSD

In progress

Knowledge dissemination

In progress

For further information please contact Tyson Beach at tyson.beach@utoronto.ca