Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders: Ergonomics in the transportation sector


Keywords: Ergonomics; Transportation; Musculoskeletal Disorders

Timeline: April 12, 2007

Presenters: Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (CRE-MSD)

Funder: CRE-MSD

Project type: Conference

Sector/Workplace type: Transportation

Theme 1 Injury mechanisms
Theme 2 Risk factors
Theme 3 Risk assessment and hazard identification
Theme 4 Interventions
Theme 5 Implementation


Little is known about the prevention of MSDs in transportation; what is known mostly relates to vibration and seating. Existing ergonomic programs have been developed for manufacturing (especially automotive), office settings, and for larger organizations. They do not match the situation in transportation where firms tend to be small, and activities occur irregularly from sitting for long periods of time to heavy manual materials handling.

Goals and process

A cross-stakeholder conference on the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Transportation sector was held which brought together a multidisciplinary, international, expert panel to discuss state-of-the-art research and practices. Participants brought experiential, technical and regulatory knowledge to the discussion. 


Multiple perspectives were offered on:

  • What processes are needed to help make change?
  • What is economically and operationally feasible to change and implement?
  • What risks are acceptable to workers?
  • What are the attitudinal barriers?
  • What is achievable?
  • What are other countries doing?

Implications for the prevention of MSDs

Knowledge transfer between experts may increase the chances of eliminating human suffering by preventing workplace injuries and illnesses in the transportation sector.

Knowledge dissemination

For summary, presentations and videos, see the Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders: Ergonomics in the transportation sector event page.