Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar

Thursday, October 15, 2015 2:30 pm - 2:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Title: Higher resonance varieties of matroids

Speaker: Graham Denham
Affiliation: University of Western Ontario
Room: MC 6486

Abstract: Resonance varieties are cohomological invariants of  
topological spaces; in the case of a complex hyperplane arrangement complement, however, the resonance varieties are determined by the underlying matroid. The combinatorics of this mechanism is quite subtle, though. In cohomological degree 1, a more or less complete characterization is known in terms of the existence of certain Latin square-like objects (multinets), while in higher degrees, the picture is much less clear.  By regarding the Orlik-Solomon algebra as a functorial construction on a suitable category of matroids, some additional structure and new phenomena become apparent.  I will give some motivation for
thinking about this, and advertise some open problems.