Term by term course offerings


  • Monday (M)
  • Tuesday (T)
  • Wednesday (W)
  • Thursday (TH)
  • Friday (F)
  • Mathematics & Computer Building (MC)
  • Combinatorics and Optimization (CO)

Note: As of Fall 2023, you must login to Quest to view the instructor and room.

Fall 2024

Course Name
CO 602

Fundamentals of Optimization

10:00 - 11:20 TTh

CO 631

Symmetric Functions

4:00 - 5:20 TTh

CO 642

Graph Theory

10:00 - 11:20 MW

CO 650

Combinatorial Optimization

11:30 - 12:50 TTh

CO 666

Continuous Optimization

1:00 - 2:20 TTh

CO 673

Optimization for Data Science

11:30 - 12:50 MW

CO 681

Quantum Information Processing

10:00 -11:00 TTh

CO 685

Public-Key Cryptography

8:30 - 9:50 TTh

CO 687

Applied Cryptography

12:30 - 1:20 MWF

CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

Graph Minors

10:30 - 11:20 MWF

Spring 2024

Course Name
CO 671

Semidefinite Optimization

10:00 - 11:20 TTh

CO 690

Literature & Research Studies

CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

11:30 - 2:20 F

CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

Induced subgraphs

9:30 - 10:20 MWF

CO 759

Topics in Discr. Optimization

Approx & Hardness of Approx

1:00 - 2:20 TTh

Winter 2024

Course Name
CO 630 Algebraic Enumeration
CO 634 Combinatorial Designs
CO 663 Convex Optimization & Analysis
CO 687 Applied Cryptography
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

CO 749 Topics in Graph Theory
CO 769 Topics in Conts Optimization
CO 781 Topics in Quantum Information
CO 789 Topics in Crytography

Fall 2023

Course Name
CO 602

Fundamentals of Optimization

10:00 - 11:20 MW 

CO 631

Symmetric Functions

4:00 - 5:00 TTh 

CO 642

Graph Theory

10:00 - 11:20 TTh 

CO 650

Combinatorial Optimization

11:30 - 12:50 TTh 

CO 666

Continuous Optimization

4:00 - 5:00 TTh 

CO 673

Optimization for Data Science

1:00 - 2:20 TTh 

CO 681

Quantum Information Processing 1102

8:30 - 9:50 TTh

CO 685

Public-Key Cryptography

2:30 - 3:20 MWF 

CO 687

Applied Cryptography

11:30 - 12:20 MWF 

CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

Multivariate Analytic Comb

10:30 - 11:20 MWF 

CO 781

Topics in Quantum Information

11:30 - 12:50 TTh 

Spring 2023

Course Name Professor
CO 646

Matroid Theory

10:00 - 11:20 TTh RCH 212

P. Nelson
CO 671

Semidefinite Optimization

4:00 - 5:20 TTh QNC 2501

L. Tuncel
CO 690

Literature & Research Studies

W. Moursi
CO 739

Topic in Combinatorics

11:30 - 12:50 TTh RCH 208

J. Leake
CO 759

Topics in Disc. Optimization

10:00 - 11:20 MW MC 6029

K. Pashkovich
CO 781

Topics in Quantum Information

2:00 - 3:20 TTh QNC 1201

D. Gosset

Winter 2023

Course Name Professor
CO 630

Algebraic Enumeration

4:00 - 5:20 TTh DWE 3519

O. Pechenik
CO 644

Alebraic Graph Theory

10:30-11:20 MWF QNC 2501

D. Wagner

CO 652

Integer Programming

1:00-2:20 MW PHY 313

B. Guenin
CO 663

2:30-3:50 TTh QNC 1507

W. Moursi

CO 687

Applied Cryptography

2:30-3:20 MWF RCH 101

A. Menezes
CO 739

Topic in Combinatorics

Analytic & Algorithmic Combina

11:30-12:50 TTh  MC 6029

S. Melczer
CO 749

Topic in Graph Theory

Designs, Nibble and Absrbers

1:00-2:20 TTh OPT 401

L. Postle
CO 749

Topic in Graph Theory

Inducd subgrph: algrthms & more

9:00-10:20 MW MC 5417

S. Spirkl
CO 769

Topic in Conts Optimization

10:00-11:20 TTh AL 209

H. Wolkowicz

Fall 2022

Course Name Professor
CO 602

Fundamentals of Optimization

2:30-3:50 MW MC 2017

W. Moursi
CO 631

Symmetric Functions

4:00-5:00 MW MC 4064

K. Purbhoo
CO 642

Graph Theory

8:30-9:50 TTh RCH 206

P. Haxell
CO 650

Combinatorial Optimization

10:00-11:20 TTh DWE 3518

C. Swamy
CO 666

Continuous Optimization

1:00-2:20 TTh DWE 3519

L. Tuncel
CO 673

Optimization for Data Science

1:00-3:50 F DC 2585

CO 681

Quantum Information Processing

4:00-5:20 TTh MC 4040

R. Cleve
CO 685

Public-Key Cryptography

1:30-2:20 MWF QNC 2501

D. Jao

CO 687

Applied Cryptography

8:30-9:20 MWF RCH 101

D. Stebila
CO 739

Topic in Combinatorics

Combinatorial commuative alg

10:30-11:20 MWF AL 209

O. Pechenik
CO 739

Topological Methods in Combinatorics

Topological Methods in Comb

11:30-12:50 TTh MC 4044

P. Haxell
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

tpcs in rdm graphs & prob comb

10:00-11:20 MW  HH 344

J. Gao

Spring 2022

Course Name Professor
CO 671

Semidefinite Optimization

10:00-11:20 TTh MC 4042

L. Tuncel
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

Info Theory & Applications

11:30-12:50 TTh QNC 1201

A. Nayak
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

Planar Graphs

9:30-10:20 MWF MC 5479

J. Geelen

CO 789

Topics in Cryptography

Cryptographic protocols

1:00-2:20 TTh MC 4044

D. Stebila

Winter 2022

Course Name Professor
CO 630

Algebraic Enumeration

11:30-12:50 TTh RCH 212

O. Pechenik
CO 634

Combinatorial Designs

1:30-2:20 MWF DWE 3519

K. Purbhoo
CO 663

10:00-11:20 MW DWE 1502

W. Moursi
CO 687

Applied Cryptography

11:30-12:20 MWF RCH 101

A. Menezes
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

Topics in Macdonald Polynomial

10:00-11:20 TTH RCH 208

O. Mandelshtam
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

Induced subgraphs

10:00-11:20 MW HH 334

S. Spirkl
CO 769

Topics in Conts Optimization

Mono op & fixed pt theory opt

11:30-12:50 MW DWE 1502

W. Moursi
CO 781

Topics in Quantum Information

Fault-Tlrnt Qntm Error Corrctn

11:00-12:20 TTH QNC 1201

D. Leung

Fall 2021

Hybrid = in-class lectures which are held with an online synchronous class visa livestreaming. For registered students only

Course Name Professor
CO 602

Fundamentals of Optimization


1:00-2:00 TTh MC 4058

1:00-2:00 TTh Online

C. Swamy
CO 631

Symmetric Functions


4:00-5:20 TTh MC 4064

Kevin Purbhoo
CO 642

Graph Theory


Luke Postle
CO 650

Combinatorial Optimization


8:30 -9:50 TTh

Ricardo Fukasawa
CO 666

Continuous Optimization10:00-11:00 MW MC 4060

Henry Wolkowicz
CO 673

Optimization for Data Science


Yaoliang Yu
CO 681

Quantum Information Processing

10:00-11:20 TTh AHS 1689

Richard Cleve
CO 685

Public-Key Cryptography


K. Karabina
CO 687

Applied Cryptography


11:30-12:20 MWF

David Jao
CO 739

Topics In Combinatorics

Prob. Mthd & Random Alogirthm


2:30-3:50 MW

Jane Gao
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

Asymmentric function theory

11:30-12:50 TTh MC 4064

11:30-12:50 Online

Oliver Pechenik

Spring 2021

Course Name Professor
CO 646

Matroid Theory


Jim Geelen
CO 671

Semidefinite Optimization


Levent Tuncel
CO 759

Topics in Discr Optimization


Chaitanya Swamy
CO 781

Topics in Quantum Information

Quantum Algorithms


David Gosset

Winter 2021

Course Name Professor
CO 630

Algebraic Enumeration


Kevin Purbhoo
CO 644

Algebraic Graph Theory


Jane Gao

CO 652

Integer Programming


Ricardo Fukasawa
CO 663

Convex Optimization & Analysis


Walaa Moursi
CO 687

Applied Cryptography


Alfred Menezes
CO 738

Probabilistic Methods


Luke Postle
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

Analytic & Algorithmic Combina


Steve Melczer
CO 754

Approximation Algorithms


Jochen Koenemann

Fall 2020

Course Name Professor
CO 602

Fundamentals of Optimization


Steve Vavasis
CO 642

Graph Theory


Luke Postle
CO 650

Combinatorial Optimization


Ricardo Fukasawa
CO 666

Contnuous Optimization


Levent Tuncel
CO 673

Optimization for Data Science


Yaoliang Yu
CO 681

Quantum Information Processing


Richard Cleve
CO 685

Public-Key Cryptography


David Jao

CO 687

Applied Cryptography


Douglas Stebila
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory


Jim Geelen
CO 781

Topics in Quantum Communication


Debbie Leung

Spring 2020

Course Name


CO 671

Semidefinite Optimization


Stephen Vavasis
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

Containers and Applications


Jorn van der Pol
CO 778

Portfolio Optimization


Ben Feng

Winter 2020

Course Name Professor
CO 630

Alebraic Enumeration

4:00-5:20 TTh RCH 208

Kevin Purbhoo
CO 634

Combinatorial Designs

4:00-5:20 MW RCH 208

Kevin Purbhoo
CO 663

Convex Optimization & Analysis

1:00-2:20 WF MC 4064

Henry Wolkowicz
CO 687

Applied Cryptography

11:30-12:20 MWF RCH 101

Alfred Menezes
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

Combinatorial Hopf Algebras

11:30-12:50 TTh RCH 209

Karen Yeats
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

Info Theory & Applications

10:00-11:20 TTh QNC 1201

Ashwin Nayak
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

Graph Colouring

2:30-3:50 TTh QNC 1506

Luke Postle
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

Random Graph Theory

2:30-3:50 MW RCH 208

Jane Gao

Fall 2019

Course Named Professor
CO 602

Fundamentals of Optimization

11:30-12:1250 TTh RCH 207

Jim Geelen
CO 631

Symmetric Functions

1:30-2:20 MWF ML 246

Kevin Purbhoo
CO 642

Graph Theory

8:30-9:50 MW EV3 4412

Penny Haxell
CO 650

Combinatorial Optimization

2:30-3:50 TTh DWE 3516

Chaitanya Swamy
CO 673

Optimization for Data Science

4:00-5:20 TTh DC 2585

Kimon Fountoulakis
CO 681

Quantum Information Processing

8:30-9:50 TTh MC 2054

Richard Cleve
CO 685

Public-Key Cryptography

12:30-1:20 MWF DWE 1515

David Jao
CO 687

Applied Cryptography

10:30-11:20 MWF RCH 101

Douglas Stebila
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

Colouring, flows, and orientations of graphs

10:00-11:20 TTh MC 4064

Carsten Thomassen
CO 759

Topics in Discrete Optimization

Optimization under uncertainty

1:00-2:20 TTh RCH 209

Ricardo Fukasawa

Spring 2019

Course Named Professor
CO 646

Matroid Theory

8:30-9:50 TTh RCH 208

Jorn van der Pol
CO 671

Semidefinite Optimization

11:30-12:50 TTh RCH 208

Henry Wolkowicz
CO 749

Topic in Graph Theory

Topological Graph Theory

2:30-3:50 TTh MC 6486

Bruce Richter
CO 781

Topics in Quantum Information

Quantum Algorithms

1:00-2:20 TTh QNC 1201

David Gosset

Winter 2019

Course Name Professor
CO 630

Algebraic Enumeration

10:00-11:20 TTH MC 4064

Kevin Purbhoo
CO 644

Algebraic Graph Theory

10:30-11:30 MWF QNC 2501

Chris Godsil
CO 652

Integer Programming

2:30-3:50 TTh HH 124

Ricardo Fukasawa
CO 663

Convex Optimization & Analysis

1:00-2:20 TTh DWE 1515

Henry Wolkowicz
CO 687

Applied Cryptography

9:30-10:20 MWF RCH 101

Alfred Menezes
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

Arithmetic and Geometric Combinatorics

1:30-2:20 MWF QNC 1507

Peter Nelson
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

Graph Decompositions

11:30-12:20 MWF MC 6486

Luke Postle
CO 789

Topics in Cryptography

Lattice-Based Cryptography

2:30-3:30 MWF MC 6486

Douglas Stebila

Fall 2018

Course Name Professor
CO 602

Fundamentals of Optimization

2:30-3:350 MW MC 5417

Ricardo Fukasawa

CO 642

Graph Theory

10:00-11:20 TTh MC 5417

Jim Geelen

CO 650

Combinatorial Optimization

1:00-2:20 TTh PHY 145

Laura Sanita
CO 666

Continuous Optimization

4:00-5:20 TTh DWE 3522A

Levent Tuncel
CO 673

Optimization for Data Science

10:00-11:20 MW MC 4042

Stephen Vavasis
CO 681

Quantum Information Processing

11:30-12:50 TTh MC 4040

Jon Yard
CO 685

Public-Key Cryptography

9:30-10:20 MWF DWE 3519

David Jao
CO 759

Topics in Disc Optimization

Extended Formulations and Hierachies

8:30-9:50 MW MC 6486

Kanstantsin Pashkovich

Spring 2018

Course Name Professor
CO 671

Semidefinite Optimization

10:00-11:20 TTh MC 6486

Levent Tuncel
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

Association Schemes

10:00-11:20 MW MC 5417

Chris Godsil

Winter 2018

Course Name Professor
CO 630

Algebraic Enumeration

2:30-3:30 MWF RCH 109

David Wagner
CO 634

Combinatorial Designs

8:30-9:30 MWF RCH 109

Chris Godsil
CO 663

Convex Optimization & Analysis

2:30-3:50 TTh DWE 3519

Henry Wolkowicz
CO 687

Applied Cryptography

11:30-12:20 MWF RCH 101

Alfred Menezes
CO 739

Topics in Combintorics

Combinatorics & Feynman Diagrams

2:30-3:20 MWF RCH 106

Karen Yeats
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

Info Theory & Applications

1:00-2:20 TTh QNC 1201

Ashwin Nayak
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

Graph Colouring

11:30-12:50 TTh EV3 4408

Luke Postle
CO 750

Topics in Comb Optimization

Approximation Algorithms

10:00-11:20 TTh DWE 3519

Laura Sanita
CO 759

Topics in Discr Optimization

Comp Discrete Optimization

11:30-12:50 MW

Bill Cook

Fall 2017

Course Name Professor
CO 602

Fundamentals of Optimization

10:00-11:20 TTH DWE 3519

Stephen Vavasis
CO 642

Graph Theory

10:30-11:20 MWF MC 5479

Jim Geelen
CO 650

Combinatorial Optimization

11:30-12:50 TTh RCH 110

Jochen Koenemann

CO 681

Quantum Information Processing

2:00-3:20 TTh QNC 1201

Jon Yard
CO 685

Public-key Cryptography

9:30-10:20 MWF MC 5479

Alfred Menezes
CO 739

Topics in Graph Theory

Partially Ordered Sets in CO

10:30-1120 MWF MC 6486

David Wagner
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

Crossing Numbers

1:30-3:00 WF MC 6486

Bruce Richter

Spring 2017

Course Name Professor
CO 631

Symmetric Functions

2:30-3:60 MW MC 6486

Ian Goulden
CO 646

Matroid Theory

10:00-11:20 TTH QNC 2501

Peter Nelson
CO 671

Semidefinite Optimization

11:30-12:50 TTH MC 4064

Levent Tuncel

CO 750

Topics in Comb Optimization

Packing and Covering

1:00-2:20 TTH MC 5479

Ahmad Abid

Winter 2017

Course Name Professor
CO 630

Algebraic Enumeration

12:30-1:20 MWF CPH 3604

David Wagner
CO 644

Algebraic Graph Theory

8:30-9:50 TTH RCH 106

Krystal Guo
CO 652

Integer Programming

4:00-5:20 TTH QNC 1507

Ricardo Fukasawa
CO 663

Convex Optimization & Analysis

11:30-12:50 TTH DWE 3519

Henry Wolkowicz
CO 687

Applied Cryptograph

11:30-12:20 MWF STC 0020

Alfred Menezes
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

Topolog. Mthds. Combinatorics

10:00-11:20 MW MC 6486

Penny Haxell
CO 750

Topics in Comb Optimization

Approximation Algorithms

10:00-11:20 TTH MC 6486

Laura Sanita
CO 769

Topics in Conts Optimization

Geometric Representation of Graphs via Convex Optimization

2:30-3:50 MW MC 6486

Levent Tuncel
CO 781

Topics in Quantum Information

Quantum Algorithms

1:30-2:50 TTH MC 6486

Ashwin Nayak

Fall 2016

Course Name Professor
CO 602

Fundamentals of Optimization

10:00-11:20 TTH RCH 205

Henry Wolkowicz
CO 642

Graph Theory

10:30-11:20 MWF MC 5479

Jim Geelen

CO 650

Combinatorial Optimization

11:30-12:50 TTH SJ2 2002

Bill Cook
CO 666

Continuous Optimization

1:30-2:20 MWF MC 4064

Steve Vavasis
CO 681

Quantum Information Processing

2:30-3:50 TTH QNC 1201

Richard Cleve
CO 685

Public-Key Cryptography

9:30-10:20 MWF MC 1056

Alfred Menezes
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

2:30-3:50 MW MC 5479

Jim Geelen

Spring 2016

Course Name Professor
CO 671

Semidefinite Optimization

11:30-12:50 MW MC 4064

Chris Godsil
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

10:00-11:20 MW MC 6486

Bruce Richter

Winter 2016

Course Name Professor
CO 634

Combinatorial Designs

4:00-5:20 MW HH 124

Kevin Purbhoo
CO 687

Applied Cryptography

9:30-10:20 MWF QNC 2502

David Jao
CO 739

Multivariate Stable Polynomials: Theory and applications

1:30-2:20 MWF MC 6486

David Wagner
CO 739

Information theory and applications

1:30-2:50 TTh QNC 1201

Ashwin Nayak
CO 759

Topics in Integer programming

10:30-11:50 TTh MC 6486

Ricardo Fukasawa
CO 769

Cone Optimization, facial reduction and its applications

2:30-3:50 MW MC 6486

Henry Wolkowicz

Fall 2015

Course Name Professor
CO 602

Fundamentals of Optimization

9:30-10:20 MWF MC 6486

Stephen Vavasis
CO 630

Algebraic Enumeration

4:30-5:20 MWF MC 4044

David Wagner
CO 642

Graph Theory

1:00-2:20 TTh EV1 350

Luke Postle
CO 650

Combinatorial Optimization

2:30-3:20 MWF DWE 1502

Ricardo Fukasawa
CO 663

Convex Optimization and Analysis

4:00-5:20 RCH 212

Henry Wolkowicz
CO 681

Quantum Information Processing

2:30-3:50 TTh QNC 0101

Richard Cleve
CO 685

The Mathematics of Public-Key Cryptography

1:30-2:20 MWF CPH 3602

David Jao
CO 789

Topic in Cryptography

11:30-12:20 MWF MC 6486

David Jao

Spring 2015

Course Name Professor

CO 646

Matroid Theory

11:30-12:20 MWF MC 4060

Jim Geelen
CO 671

Semidefinite Optimization

2:30-3:00 TTH MC 2038

Levent Tuncel
CO 759

Topics in Discrete Optimization

10:30-12:00 TTH MC 6486

Chaitanya Swamy

Winter 2015

Course Name Professor
CO 644

Algebraic Graph Theory

3:30-4:20 MW MC 4058

3:30-4:20 TH MC 4064

Chris Godsil
CO 652

Integer Programming

11:30-12:50 TTH MC 4058

Bertrand Guenin
CO 666

Continuous Optimization

1:00-2:20TTH DWE 1515

Thomas Coleman
CO 687

Applied Cryptography

2:30-3:20MWF MC 4020

David Jao
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

Methods of polyhedral and topological combinatorics

1:30-2:20 TTH MC 6486

Eric Katz
CO 749

Topics in Graph Theory

Advance Techinques in Graph Coloruing

1:00-2:20TTH MC 6486

Luke Postle
CO 759

Topics in Discrete Optimization

Computational Discrete Optimization

10:00-11:20TTH MC 6486

Bill Cook
CO 781

Topics in Quantum Information

Quantum Algorithms

2:30-3:50TTH QNC 1201

Ashwin Nayak

Fall 2014

Course Name Professor
CO 602

Fundamentals of Optimization

2:30-3:20 MWF MC 6486

Henry Wolkowicz
CO 630

Algebraic Enumeration

4:30-5:20MWF RCH 109

Kevin Purbhoo
CO 642

Graph Theory

9:30-10:20TWF QNC 1507

Bruce Richter
CO 650

Combinatorial Optimization

2:30-3:50MW QNC 1506

Bill Cook
CO 663

Convex Optimization and Analysis

10:30-11:20MWF QNC 2501

Steve Vavasis
CO 681

Quantum Information Processing

2:30-3:50TTH QNC 0101

Richard Cleve
CO 685

The Mathematics of Public-Key Cryptography

1:00-2:20TTH MC 6486

David Jao
CO 769

Topics in Continuous Optimization

12:30-1:20MWF MC 6486

Steve Vavasis

Spring 2014

Course Name Professor
CO 671

Semidefinite Optimization

4:00-5:20TTH HH 124

Levent Tuncel
CO 759

Topics in Discrete Optimization

11:30-12:50TTH MC 6486

Joseph Cheriyan

Winter 2014

Course Name Professor
CO 634

Combinatorial Designs

1:30-2:20MWF MC 4064

Chris Godsil
CO 666

Continous Optimization

1:00-2:20TTH MC 4041

Thomas Coleman
CO 687

Applied Crytography

11:30-12:20MWF MC 4020

Alfred Menezes
CO 739

Topics in Combinatorics

11:30-12:20MWF M3 4206

Chris Godsil
CO 754

Approximation Algorithms

12:30-12:20MWF EV1 225

Laura Sanita
CO 781

Topics in Quantum Information

1:00-3:50T QNC 1201

Robert Koenig