William Tutte Colloquium

The Department of Combinatorics and Optimization holds weekly Tutte Colloquiuum seminars in honour of William T. Tutte, Distinguished Professor Emertius at the University of Waterloo.

Our seminars will be hosted in MC 5501.

Below you will find the details for our weekly seminars.

If you are unable to attend, you will find the recordings on our department's YouTube Channel.

Fall 2024 September - December

Friday Nov. 1 3:30 pm MC 5501

Title: Odd-Ramsey numbers of complete bipartite graphs

Speaker:Thomas Lesgourgues

Affiliation: University of Waterloo

Friday Octpber 25 3:30pm MC 5501

Title: Concrete analysis of a few aspects of lattice-based cryptography

Speaker: Subhadip Singha

Affiliation:University of Waterloo

Friday Oct 11 3:30 pm MC 5501

Title:Rotation-invariant web bases from hourglass plabic graphs and symmetrized six-vertex configurations


Speaker:Jessica Striker

Affiliation:North Dakota State University

Friday October 4 3:30 pm MC 5501

Title: Purifying arbitrarily noisy quantum states

Speaker: Debbie Leung

Affiliation: University of Waterloo

Friday September 27 3:30 pm MC 5501

Title: Graph Property Testing using the Container Method

Speaker: Eric Blais

Affiliation: University of Waterloo

Septmebr 13th 3:30pm MC 5501

Title: Sum of squares of positive eigenvalues

Speaker:Thomás Jung Spier

Affiliation: University of Waterloo 

Spring 2024 (May to August)

Aug 16

Title: Everything is possible: constructing convex sets with prescribed facial dimensions, efficiently

Speaker: Vera Roshchina

Affiliation:  UNSW



Aug 9 Banner

Title: Oddities in the pursuit of self-duality

Speaker: Bruno Lourenço

Affiliation:  The Institute of Statistical Mathematics



July 26 banner

Title: Tight bounds for reconstructing graphs from distance queries

Speaker: Carla Groenland

Affiliation:  TU Delft



July 19 Banner

Title: Nearly-linear stable sets

Speaker: Paul Seymour

Affiliation: Princeton University



July 12 Banner

Title: Combinatorial models in enumerative geometry

Speaker: Patricia Klein

Affiliation: Texas A&M University



July 5 Banner

Title: Supersingular isogeny graphs, modular curves and Galois Representations

Speaker: Leonardo Colo'

Affiliation: University of Waterloo



June 28 Banner

Title: Graph Embeddings and Map Colorings

Speaker: Jason Gao

Affiliation: Carleton University



June 21 Banner

Title: Graph theory and Feynman integrals

Speaker: Paul Balduf

Affiliation: University of Waterloo



June 14 Banner

Title: Stochastic Minimum Norm Combinatorial Optimization

Speaker: Chaitanya Swamy

Affiliation: University of Waterloo



June 7 Banner

Title: Recent Progresses on Correlation Clustering

Speaker: Euiwoong Lee

Affiliation: University of Michigan



May 31 Banner

Title: Infinite matroids on lattices

Speaker: Peter Nelson

Affiliation: University of Waterloo



May 24 Banner

Title: Sylvester-Gallai type configurations and Polynomial Identity Testing

Speaker: Akash Sengupta

Affiliation: University of Waterloo



Winter 2024 (January to April)

April 12 Banner

Title: Bridging the gap between Linear and Integer Programming

Speaker: Bertrand Guenin

Affiliation: University of Waterloo



April 5 Banner

Title: Oracle separation of QMA and QCMA with bounded adaptivity

Speaker: Srijita Kundu

Affiliation: University of Waterloo



March 22 Banner

Title: Refined Absorption: A New Proof of the Existence Conjecture

Speaker: Luke Postle

Affiliation: University of Waterloo



Banner for March 15 Tutte Colloquium

Title: Graph Theory and Quantum Computing

Speaker: Chris Godsil

Affiliation: University of Waterloo



Date Time Location

Title: A Faster Combinatorial Algorithm for Maximum Bipartite Matching

Speaker: Sanjeev Khanna

Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania


Fall 2023 (September to December)

Date Time Location

Title: Online edge colouring

Speaker: David Wajc

Affiliation: Technion — Israel Institute of Technology



Date Time Location

Title: Nash-Williams Orientation for Infinite Graphs

Speaker: Amena Assem Abd-AlQader Mahmoud

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date Time Location

Title: Wires, bits, and the cost of sorting

Speaker: Samuel Jaques

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date Time Location

Title: Diagonal coefficients, graph invariants with the symmetries of Feynman integrals, and the proof of the c_2 completion conjecture

Speaker: Karen Yeats

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date Time Location

Title: Hypergraph Matchings Avoiding Forbidden Submatchings

Speaker: Luke Postle

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date Time Location

Title: The Chambolle-Pock algorithm revisited: splitting operator and its range with applications

Speaker: Walaa Moursi

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date Time Location

Title: Average plane-size

Speaker: Jim Geelen

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date Time Location

Title: A Simple Sparsification Algorithm for Maximum Matching with Applications to Graph Streams

Speaker: Sepehr Assadi

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date Time Location

Title: Kissing Polytopes

Speaker: Antoine Deza

Affiliation: McMaster University


Date Time Location

Title: An Approximate Generalization of the Okamura-Seymour Theorem

Speaker: Nikhil Kumar

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date Time Location

Title: Proof of the Clustered Hadwiger Conjecture

Speaker: Vida Dujmovic

Affiliation: University of Ottawa


Spring 2023 (May to August)

Date Time Location

Title: Rigidity of Simplicial Complexes

Speaker: Bill Jackson

Affiliation: Queen Mary University of London


Date Time Location

Joint Tutte Colloquium and Algorithms and Complexity Seminar

Title: Combinatorial and complexity theoretic aspects of Stabilities and Controllabilities of linear switched systems(discrete and continuous time)

Speaker: Leonid Gurvits

Affiliation: The City College of New York


Date Time Location

Title: Ramsey degrees, big and small

Speaker: Andy Zucker

Affiliation: University of Waterloo



Title: Error bounds for conic feasibility problems: case studies on the exponential cone

Speaker: Ting Kei Pong

Affiliation: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Date Time Location

Title: Online Unrelated-Machine Load Balancing and Generalized Flow with Recourse

Speaker: Shi Li

Affiliation: University at Buffalo


Date Time Location

Title: On the complexity of quantum partition functions

Speaker: David Gosset

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date Time Location

Title: Breaking the Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman protocol

Speaker: Wouter Castryck

Affiliation: KU Leuven


Winter 2023 (January to April)

Date Time Location

Title: Sets that Support a Joint Distribution

Speaker: Peter Winkler

Affiliation: Dartmouth College


Date Time Location

Title: On the complexity of quantum partition functions

Speaker: David Gosset

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date Time Location

Title: Steiner Cut Dominants

Speaker: Volker Kaibel

Affiliation: Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg


Date Time Location

Title: Matroids without cliques

Speaker: Peter Nelson

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date Time Location

Title: Critical Points at Infinity for Hyperplanes of Directions

Speaker: Stephen Gillen

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Fall 2022 (September to December)

Date Time Location

Title: Probabilistic root finding in code-based cryptography

Speaker: Daniel Panario

Affiliation: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University


Date Time Location

Title: Global geometric reductions for some bottleneck questions in hardness of approximation

Speaker: Vijay Bhattiprolu

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date, Time, Location

 Title: Integer programs with bounded subdeterminants and two nonzeros per row

Speaker: Stefan Weltge

Affiliation: Technical University of Munich


Title, Date and location

 Title: Approximating Weighted Connectivity Augmentation below Factor 2

Speaker: Vera Traub

Affiliation: Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics, University of Bonn


Time, date and location

Title: Forbidding some induced cycles in a graph

Speaker: Linda Cook

Affiliation: Institute for Basic Science, South Korea


Date, Time and location

Title: Sylvester, Gallai, and their complex relatives

Speaker: Jim Geelen

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date, Time and location

Title: The ADMM: Past, Present and Future

Speaker: Jonathan Eckstein

Affiliation: Rutgers University


Date and Time of Seminar

Title: Approximate Counting via Lorentzian Polynomials and Entropy Optimization

Speaker: Jonathan Leake

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date and Time of Seminar

Title: Bipartite Matching in Almost-Linear Time and More

Speaker: Richard Peng

Affiliation University of Waterloo


Date and Time of Seminar

Title:  The Integrality Gap for the Santa Claus Problem

Speaker: Penny Haxell

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Date and Time of Tutte Seminar

Title: A perfect graph, a sparse, symmetric matrix and a homogeneous cone walk into a bar … together??

Speaker:  Levent Tuncel

Affiliation: University of Waterloo


Tutte Banner with Date and Time and location

Title: Cheerger Inequalitites for Vertex Expansion and Reweighted Eigenvalues

Speaker: Lap Chi Lau

Affiliation: University of Waterloo