Tutte Colloquium - Bruno Lourenço

Friday, August 9, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Title: Oddities in the pursuit of self-duality

Speaker: Bruno Lourenço
Affiliation The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Location: MC 5501

Abstract: Certain important cones in conic optimization are self-dual, e.g., the positive semidefinite matrices and the nonnegative orthant. In this talk we will address the problem of determining which convex cones are self-dual in a broad sense, which allows changing the underlying inner product if necessary. We will describe some recent progress on this question for polyhedral cones and discuss some unexpected connections. In particular, we will show a curious result connecting self-dual polyhedral cones and extreme rays of doubly nonnegative matrices. We will also discuss how semidefinite programming can be used to search for self-dual polyhedral cones. Time allowing, we will describe new results on the related problem of determining the automorphisms of certain cones of interest.

This talk is based on joint works with João Gouveia and Masaru Ito.