Algebraic combinatorics seminar - Cameron Marcott

Thursday, February 12, 2015 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

A Super Technical Lemma

Speaker: Cameron Marcott
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Room: Mathematics and Computer Building (MC) 5426


I will present a technical lemma about extending matrix algebras by an idempotent. There will be no movie references, fun, or combinatorics.

Specifically, I will be presenting Jones' Basic Construction. Given a matrix algebra A equipped with a trace function and a subalgebra B, there is a unique idempotent which projects A onto B in a way that plays nicely with the trace function. Jones' Basic Construction is the algebra obtained by adjoining this idempotent to A. Its structure is completely determined by B and knowledge about the restriction from A to B.

Jones' Basic Construction has applications anywhere you might expect the words "subfactors of type $II_1$ von Neumann algebas" to pop up, including: knot theory (where it is related to the Jones' polynomial), statistical mechanics (where it is related to certain transfer matrix algebras), and representation theory (where it is used to study certain towers of algebras). I will not be discussing any of these applications; I will only be giving technical results about the basic construction itself.