C&O Reading Group - Arash Haddadan

Monday, June 8, 2015 4:15 pm - 4:15 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)
Speaker: Arash Haddadan
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Room: MC 6486

Abstract: In bin packing we want to pack n items with sizes between zero and one, in the minimum possible number of bins of size one. The main step forward towards solving bin packing was made by Karmarkar and Karp, transforming a fractional solution to Gilmore Gomory LP relaxation into an integral solution, by using at most log(n)^2 additional bins.

In this paper, for a special case, where all items have size at least 1/(1+k), an upper bound on the additive integrality gap of this LP relaxation is given, based on discrepancy of k permutations. In particular, for the case of 3-partition, where all items have size at least 1/4, this could have a connection with a conjecture of Beck, which suggests a constant upper bound for the discrepancy of 3 permutations.

The conjecture was open for decades, until a couple of months after this papers came out, a counterexample with a logarithmic factor was found. However, in the journal version of the paper, they use the counter-example to show that it is impossible to improve the log(n)^2 factor if we employ a rounding-up procedure.

The presentation will be based on the following manuscript: