Combinatorial Optimization Reading Group - Haripriya Pulyassary

Friday, July 31, 2020 1:30 pm - 1:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Title: Weighted Maximum Multicommodity Flows over time

Speaker: Haripriya Pulyassary
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Zoom: Contact Sharat Ibrahimpur


In various applications, flow does not travel instantaneously through a network, and the amount of flow traveling on an edge may vary over time. This temporal dimension is not captured by the classic static network flow models but can be modeled using flows over time. 

In this talk, we will present the technique of $\Delta$-condensed networks (first introduced by Fleischer and Skutella), which is used by algorithms for various flows over time problems, including multicommodity flows over time. We will also present our current work on the weighted maximum multicommodity flows over time problem. 

This is joint work with Jochen Koenemann and Madison Van Dyk.