Seminar - Michaela Rombach

Monday, February 8, 2016 9:00 am - 9:00 am EST (GMT -05:00)

Title: Graph representatives of positroid strata (juggling meets quantum physics)

Speaker: Michaela Rombach
Affiliation: University of California
Room: MC 5417

Abstract: In 2013 Knutson, Lam and Speyer showed that the poset of bounded juggling patterns is isomorphic to the poset of positroids. Bounded juggling patterns are affine permutations  that satisfy , for all . Positroids are a class of matroids, introduced by Alexander Postnikov, that arise from  matrices of rank  with real entries such that all maximal minors are nonnegative. Positroids have many nice properties. For example, they are closed under restriction, contraction, and duality. There is a map from graphs to matroids that is not onto, creating the class of so-called graphic matroids, where the independent sets of the matroid are the forests in the graph. We show that every juggling pattern and therefore positroid stratum in the Grassmannian has a planar graph representative, using planar bicolored (plabic) graphs. These diagrams are at the heart of a recent breakthrough in particle physics as they present a new type of Feynman diagram that computes scattering amplitudes.
Joint work with Allen Knutson.