Seminar - Richard Peng

Monday, January 19, 2015 9:30 am - 9:30 am EST (GMT -05:00)

Multifaceted Algorithm Design via Graph Laplacians

Speaker: Richard Peng
Affiliation: MIT
Room: Mathematics and Computer Building (MC) 5417


Many computational problems induced by practice arise at the
intersection of combinatorics, optimization, and statistics.
Combining insights from these areas often leads to better algorithms
for such problems, as well as improvements to these areas themselves.
In this talk, I will discuss some recent progress via this approach:

  • A nearly-linear work, polylog depth parallel solver for linear systems involving graph Laplacians, a core primitive in spectral algorithms and a well-studied routine in scientific computing.
  • The first O(m polylog(n)) time algorithm for approximating undirected maximum flows, a fundamental problem in combinatorial optimization that has motivated the development of many algorithmic tools.
  • The first nearly optimal subsampling algorithms that preserve the L1-norms of matrix-vector products, a common structure in data analysis.

These algorithms rely on connections between iterative methods, graph cuts, and sparsification drawn through Laplacian matrices of undirected graphs. Components in them that may be of independent interest include: sparsified matrix squaring as a computational primitive, a solution to the chicken-and-egg problem of utilizing and constructing high quality preconditioners, and extensions of matrix concentration bounds to general p-norms.