Tutte Colloquium - Angele Hamel

Friday, August 7, 2015 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Title: Tokuyama's identity, Schur functions, and the six vertex model

Speaker: Angele Hamel
Affiliation: Wilfred Laurier University
Room: MC 5501

Abstract: In 1988 Tokuyama discovered a remarkable identity that expresses a certain combinatorial sum as the product of a t-deformed Vandermonde determinant and Schur symmetric function. His identity is a modern twist on Weyl's character formula — a well-known classical algebraic identity introduced by Hermann Weyl in the 1920s. The algebraic and combinatorial proofs of Tokuyama's identity involve symmetric
functions, tableaux, Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns, and determinants,
and they reveal much about the structure of these objects. In this
talk I will present connections to number theory and the six vertex
model, along with some recent combinatorial results for symplectic
characters and for factorial Schur functions.